Cooking with Jessica: Coconut Date Energy Bites

Indulge in a guilt-free, protein-dense treat with these delectable Coconut Date Energy Bites! They only contain a few household ingredients that you’re sure to have lying around, and you can whip them up in no time. Each bite contains just 90 calories and 4 grams of protein. Stave off hunger and cravings for sweets with ...


From The Community


Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery Forum (RNY)
295 views · 44 replies

What's on your (PHOTO) Friday Menu?

Morning all! It's Friday! And I took a page from the brilliant Jen and I switched some things around to take a few flex hours off this afternoon. I have a busy first few hours of work but then I am going to shut down and enjoy some down time.…

Queen JB

Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery Forum (RNY)
374 views · 52 replies

What's on your Thursday Menu?

Good Morning and Happy Happy Thursday! Almost there! I am heading into the office on the early train and then I have a few hours to prep for a 3 hour training I am giving to a big in-person crew today. No problem, except that I just wrote it the…

Queen JB

Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery Forum (RNY)
490 views · 48 replies

What's on your Wednesday Menu?

Oh hey, friends. What's up? Happy Halfway Day! I would like for this week to be over please. Nothing bad is happening, I just really need to unplug for a day or so and it can't come fast enough. I have daydreams of just laying in the hammock and reading…

Queen JB

Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery Forum (RNY)
470 views · 40 replies

What's on your Tuesday Menu?

Argh, we had a good run, OH. Why do you have to refuse to load pictures today? Anyway, I don't have time to sit here and try to upload. I need to get going on a walk. Busy busy day ahead. Working without a break on camera (I'm the presenter)…

Queen JB

Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery Forum (RNY)
597 views · 52 replies

What's on your (PHOTO) Friday Menu?

Gooooooooooooooood Morning! It's Friday and all is right in the world. I slept for 8 hours in a row for the first time in ages, the sun is shining again, and tonight we are meeting up with friends for my favorite fish tacos tonight. Just like that, life is back…

Queen JB

Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery Forum (RNY)
355 views · 24 replies

What's on your Monday Menu?

Morning all! How's Monday looking for everyone? I am a little overwhelmed by my schedule this week. I should have done more to prep yesterday but I was super overtired from a busy Saturday and feeling icky from allergies so I just made it today's problem. Oops. Gotta make this…

Queen JB

Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery Forum (RNY)
170 views · 6 replies

Revision RNY with Hiatal Hernia Repair upcoming Aug 19

Just wanted to see if anyone in the group has had a revision to RNY with a Hiatal Hernia Repair. I dont see much about revisions when I search and would love to get some ideas of what to expect this time around. I know this surgeon is different than…

Revision | Aug 19, 2024 | Bariatric Surgeon: Dr.

Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery Forum (RNY)
186 views · 8 replies

What's on your Saturday menu??

Good morning weekenders ~ I had a lovely day yesterday and slept like a baby for 10 hours last night after falling asleep in the recliner at 6pm! Today should be a lot of fun. I'm taking little girl on to the park for a long walk, laundry and chores.…

Amy Liz
RNY | Nov 21, 2016 | Bariatric Surgeon: Dr.

Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery Forum (RNY)
361 views · 26 replies

What's on your Thursday Menu?

Hellllloooooooo Thursday! I am thrilled that it's here. WFH today & tomorrow, which is amazing. Yesterday was a lot of peopling. I had hoped adrenaline would get me through it but I admit to a moment of weakness and I ordered a Venti caffeinated iced coffee. It was heaven and…

Queen JB

Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery Forum (RNY)
426 views · 29 replies

What's on your Wednesday Menu?

Good Morning! The good news is that it's already hump day. Yay! The bad news is that ^^that guy is exactly how I'm feeling. I am sooo tired. I don't have any time off this upcoming weekend and I just can't imagine HOW I am going to make it another…

Queen JB


Mini Goal 2

1 comment

So, Ive set my second mini goal. I want to get to 260.0  by the end of June. I've got 3.4 pounds to lose next month.  I know that's not much but, I'm a slow loser.  I haven't been 260 roughly 13 years.  


So much has changed since my last entry

1 comment

I had bariatric RnY in 2012. Did very well, in spite of not having a not so supportive husband. Went from 303 to 189, then had an injury. We moved from Iowa to my home state of Virginia. My husband eventually came around. His job as a software engineer eventually moved us…


IV iron


Has anyone had to get IV iron infusion therapy recently? I can't seem to find a hospital near me. Is it true? This is no longer covered by OHIP?

RNY | Aug 04, 2008 | Bariatric Surgeon: Dr.

617 pounds

1 comment

Lost some more weight


Support group

1 comment

Looking to attend a support group as it's one of my requirements. I'm having trouble finding them... or is this the support group... can anyone point me in the right direction please.


So much……

1 comment

There is so much to learn.  I have been working on this plan for months and have been reading, reading and reading more. I feel like I'm ready but I'm feeling there will be something that I'm lacking information on when it comes time for my surgery. All I feel…


Guess Who's Back!!


17 Years Later... the weight came back ( but not all of it). But the journey continues. 


Just saying hi


Not sure if anyone is still around.  I am about 16 years post op.  Never made it to my goal weight of 150.  I have stayed consistently between low 160's and 170's.  Seems to be my sweet spot.  No complaints.  Far cry from 265 (pre op).  Well if anyone is…

Tanya B.



I had a sleeve revision in January. Original surgery was in February of 2016 and I maintained most of my weight loss. This surgery was to help lose additional weight to see if I can gain mobility and have future knee surgery. It's slow going. I don't weigh in as…


Spring 2024


4/25/24 Hello Everyone its been a long time ! Soo much has happened and changed in my life. Ive been well. My lowest weight was 176 lbs in 2023. Someone special to Me lost his life and it was devestating. At that weight i didnt look myself but actually felt…

lucille C.


Dr. Dmitri Baranov

Bariatric Surgeon

To find support, education and help with your journey to health is in invaluable. Dr. B and his team have mastered this ability to lead their patients to the healthy lifestyle they were striving for. Education is the key to making the best decisions in life. Learning about the weight…


Dr. Guillermo Alvarez

Bariatric Surgeon

Dr. Alvarez and his staff are wonderful and the facility is the best medical facility in which I have ever been treated. My pre-op process was very clearly explained and the pre-op diet was not as difficult as I had feared. Travel was fantastic and I felt safe and protected…


Dr. George Ferzli

Bariatric Surgeon

Dr. Ferzli really cares about his patients. And I mean all of us. I like that we can reach him anytime. He even gives us his cell phone number! He is so knowledgeable and informative. The support groups have been very helpful and I have learned a lot from others…


Dr. Guillermo Alvarez

Bariatric Surgeon

There isn’t enough space in this box to describe Dr. Alvarez and his staff. You get the best. Beautiful facilities, very caring staff, very professional. I knew I had made the right decision. If you’re contemplating on having the surgery or not sure about Dr. Alvarez, give him a call…


Dr. Jon R. Pirrello

Bariatric Surgeon

I started my bariatric surgery journey with Dr Jon Pirrello in 2021. He removed my lap band that was put in in 2003. I was such a mess inside. The lap band had slipped up off from the stomach area and was attached to my esophagus, my spleen and the…




Lizzie Webb Jan 2008
Lizzie Webb 2009


Roux-en-Y on Jun 10, 2008 SEE MORE BEFORE & AFTERS