
on 8/19/11 3:14 am - Jacksonville, FL
on 8/19/11 3:21 am - Sayre, PA
In the immortal words of Motley Crue:

Girl, don't go away mad
Girl, just go away
Girl, don't go away mad
Now girl, just go away

HW: 418 SW: 386 CW: 225 GW: 210

on 8/19/11 3:24 am - Jacksonville, FL
on 8/19/11 2:37 am - Jacksonville, FL
(deactivated member)
on 8/19/11 3:07 am - RI
HogRider... I myself have asked about sex on this forum before... I think that there are other forums that may be more "appropriate" to ask a question like that... but no matter where you post something, you usually always get a response.

IF you don't get a response... I know that there is SOMEONE out there who was thinking/wondering the same thing but was too afraid/embarassed to ask. (that's happened to me on several occasions)...

so i'm actually pretty grateful of the questions some people ask.. cause I know I wouldn't have the balls to ask... lol
on 8/19/11 2:21 am
Well some people are super shallow.

The only thing I can imagine is she lacks the confidence to interact with males on a subject she seems to be sensitive about. Maybe since you're the male that commented she blocked you.

I post whatever I am thinking or feeling at the time and if I dont like the persons response oh well I move on.

Theres got to be one in every crowd. I personally just went back and read your comment and thought it was hillarious. I hope its not true though ;)
on 8/19/11 2:24 am
I think we should not get worked up over this- if I personally get blocked, then I just shrug my shoulders- I feel like it is that person's perrogative. We are not all able to handle situations/responses/comments in the same way.

I think we should both respect the right that someone has to block things they don't feel are adecuate for them, and respect the fact that everyone has different opinions and as we post in public forums we get what we get, we can't help what or how people respond to things.

Jamie M.
on 8/19/11 2:31 am
I don't know dude, I LOL'd when I read your response, and anyone who didn't obviously didn't get the joke, or doesn't have a sense of humor lol.
on 8/19/11 2:39 am - FL
I thought that your comment was funny...and certainly one I've heard before.
(I always hope one gets "some" more than just on their birthday! )

I thought she had a valid question and being a pre-op, I wondered the same thing but I'm sorry she didn't think your comment was funny.

Trust me you can respond just about anything to whatever I post, I'm very hard to offend!!
Citizen Kim
on 8/19/11 2:46 am - Castle Rock, CO
If I started a thread whining every time I got blocked, I'd take over the Board LOL!!!!   Take it as a sign that you're not vanilla - nothing wrong with shaking things up now and again and I thought your comment was funny too!!!

Honestly, dude, I go to some Boards and all I hear are crickets where I have pissed off people because I don't conform to what they want - (most of them men LOL)  but I like marching to the tune of my own drum and I'm not going to change for a bunch of ******* who only want people that agree with them ...

Just be yourself and don't sweat it!

Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

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