True confessions: Grazing and Prowling. What are your solutions for the hardest times?

on 3/13/15 3:05 am
RNY on 12/29/14

Thanks for this!  I really do like being connected to everyone else and how isolation can lead to food problems as well. I love your advice about remembering it is not about the food.  I really need to clarify the "is it ok to have a planned snack" question with my doctor.  There really are a lot of options.  And you have some great ideas. 

on 3/9/15 11:52 pm
RNY on 09/12/13

I find that doing some form of exercise before dinner helps me to fight those afternoon cravings.  I bring by workout clothes to my office, change into them and hit the gym right after work.  I do have a snack in the evening.  I have been doing this from the first day of my surgery.  I have a sugar free popcicle every evening.  It is a little sweet and helps me through my evening craving.  I hope this helps!  Hang in there and best of luck!


on 3/13/15 3:07 am
RNY on 12/29/14

Yes, I think the exercise might help.  Although it might be hard for me to do a full workout then (kids home; homework, lessons, friends, craziness), I think I could fit in a walk around the neighborhood.  I really do think one thing I am dealing with is the low energy cycle of the afternoon--something I have ALWAYS had, and a walk could really pick me up.  Thanks.

on 3/16/15 5:41 am
RNY on 02/19/15

Would a walk with the kids to have a break before they start homework help? Unless you'd rather snatch some time actually for yourself lol!

Height: 6'0" HW 5/2013 295. Consult 7/29/14 275. SW 261. RNY 2/19/15. M1:-33! M2:-13.5. M3:-12. M4:-10.8. M5:-9.7. M6:-5. M7: -4.5. Pregnant 8/15-5/16. 10 weeks post partum: 173.

on 3/17/15 8:37 am
RNY on 12/29/14

Ah, the images of the perfect mom I would like to be!  My children by my side as I show them the blossoming trees, the clouds in the sky.  We used to do more of that when they were little, singing songs about the llamas, chickens, and horses down the street.  Now they are bigger.  We live in a neighborhood with lots of kids.  And my kids are so eager to grab a snack and get out the door to play with all the others.  We usually sit together after school while they eat their snack and talk about their day (kind of--sometimes it is like I am their therapist and they want to dump on me).  Then, with luck, I coerce them into confessing the truth of their homework and we make a plan for them to do that, and then they do half of their homework and piano, and then they are off!  Or, sometimes they are collectively needing hours of help with math or chemistry, etc.  Or, sometimes, they have lessons or sports practices.  But on the days when all goes well, they are old enough--and the neighborhood is safe enough--and the families familiar enough--that wandering from yard to yard, or basement to basement, is a great thing for them.  Raised by a village of moms.  Figuring out how to get along with and negotiate with all kinds of personalities in the other kids.  So that actually does give me a chance to walk with a friend myself once in a while, or take a horizontal 10-15 minutes.  My biggest problem with the afternoon walk, honestly, is a chronic Achilles tendon injury that limits me in significant ways.  But I can usually do 5-15 minutes at a slow pace, and the outdoors really cheers me.  With the weather warming up, I must find a way to do more of that, no matter how slow.

on 3/10/15 1:44 am

Wow...I could have written this. I also am a grazer and prowler after 3PM. I am trying different things to combat this and it's a struggle but we can do this. I am trying to switch some of my exercise to the afternoon after 3 and when I'm cooking I also chew gum and drink water. In the later evening I try to work on something to keep my hands and mind busy. While my family watches TV, I work on cross-stitch or some crafts. I've made a small area in the living room for some of my supplies. 

Good luck!




on 3/13/15 3:10 am
RNY on 12/29/14

I like the idea of keeping my hands busy, and of having my things easily available.  And thanks for empathizing with me.  :-)

on 3/10/15 1:50 am

I have gone prowling once or twice since my surgery, but couldn't find anything I could actually eat.  And I wasn't hungry so I would really just go look at our food and go back empty handed lol.  Maybe you could put a healthy snack that you wouldn't feel guilty about.  I buy these bars from diet   They are made by Wonderslim. They are high protein but taste excelllent.  Maybe have half a bar when you go prowling?  Maybe instead of getting food if you're being super strict, grab a drink like a diet juice or something?  Good luck :) Hang in there!

HW: 407  CW: 359 - RNY 02/18/15




on 3/13/15 3:12 am
RNY on 12/29/14

Thank you.  We don't have a lot of things to satisfy the prowling either.  But there are some things around some times.  I do think something I could have would help.

on 3/10/15 2:10 am - DC
RNY on 12/16/13

My plan also calls for 3 meals and no snacks, but I cannot go all day with only three meals, due to the small amounts I eat.  I have seen enough people on here who have snacks allowed, that I have incorporated snacks into my diet.  I use MyFitnessPal to log my every bite.  So the more snacks, the less meals.  The more carbs at dinner, the less at breakfast and lunch.

What helps me, and I don't stick to this 100% of the time, but I fill out my daily menu on the MyFitnessPal app every morning, so I don't mindlessly graze.  Like, right when I woke up today, I knew I was having leftover egg salad for lunch, fajitas for dinner, greek yogurt dip and Mr. O's cheese crisps as a snack, perhaps a greek yogurt as well.  I have already thought through my day's food choices and so I won't wander aimlessly looking for food.

I have found some great snacks that help me get my protein in and taste great.  Mr. O's cheese snacks (amazon), pickles (almost no calories), light and fit yogurt with some slivered almonds in them for crunch...this incredible jalapeño greek yogurt dip from Trader Joe's.  I know what you mean - I don't usually want to munch on a chicken breast in the evening.  These other snacks help me feel satisfied.

I also agree with the poster who suggests exercise.  I find that when I have a whole day looming ahead of me with no structure, I have to go to the gym for 1-2 hours.  It stops me from grazing and also burns a lot of calories so if my calories go a little higher, it's ok.

Hope this helps!

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