Linda B.’s Posts

Linda B.
on 12/9/14 1:53 pm
Topic: RE: Competition results with photos

Thanks, the lady who took my picture was actually the 1st place winner. She told me to get on the top spot so the logos would show up in the background.

high weight 230 start of journey weight 217 surgery weight 191 current weight 138

Linda B.
on 12/9/14 1:50 pm
Topic: RE: Competition results with photos


high weight 230 start of journey weight 217 surgery weight 191 current weight 138

Linda B.
on 12/9/14 1:50 pm
Topic: RE: Competition results with photos

Thanks, it is a lot of work, but so fun.

high weight 230 start of journey weight 217 surgery weight 191 current weight 138

Linda B.
on 12/9/14 1:50 pm
Topic: RE: Competition results with photos

Thanks :)

high weight 230 start of journey weight 217 surgery weight 191 current weight 138

Linda B.
on 12/9/14 1:49 pm
Topic: RE: Competition results with photos

Thanks, it sure beats the gym.

high weight 230 start of journey weight 217 surgery weight 191 current weight 138

Linda B.
on 12/9/14 1:45 pm
Topic: RE: 3 year surgiversary

As always, a post that provokes deep thought. You bring to light that moderation is typically not possible for those of us who are what  I call, carb sensitive. Like you, I can slide down that slippery slope pretty fast.

With the knowledge that obesity rates just keep climbing higher and higher every year, a simple trip to the grocery store explains it. Everywhere I look, isles and isles of refined carbs and food like substances. Fake foods are common, sugar is in almost everything, and eating real food costs more than the average household can afford.

We are fortunate that we now have the awareness to make those better choices, one meal at a time. Just like an alcoholic, sugarholics should just not go there, it is easier than the aftermath that a binge can bring. Yes, I have done that too. For you it's cookies, for me, it's cake.

All of this to say, Happy Surgiversary. You have come a long way, OI know you can do this for the long haul. Oh, and positive thoughts coming your way on cookie lady day.

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Linda B.
on 12/8/14 3:16 am
Topic: RE: Competition results with photos

Thanks to everyone who commented on my skating anniversary post. It is a great thing to share this personal victory with those who understand what a life changer WLS can really be. So, my results were, for the drama piece, I took 1st place. This is the one where I am dressed as an angel. My technical piece was a 3rd place finish. Even though there were only 3 competitors, which means I was in last place, just getting out of my comfort zone and working on moves that are difficult for me was a victory.

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Linda B.
on 12/4/14 4:05 pm
Topic: RE: Two years ago, a different anniversary

Tonight I enjoyed a night of practice at the rink. Two years ago, when I was about 2 & 1/2 months out, I started ice skating again. Tomorrow and Saturday, I am competing again in a national, recreational competition in Burbank and Pasadena. I never thought that when I started down the path to my VSG that I would end up re-learning to skate. I also never thought that competing would even be possible at my age. I am grateful for my VSG, and the ISI (recreational league) for helping me enjoy my new normal. Depending on how it goes, I may post a photo after the competition is finished.

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Linda B.
on 12/2/14 1:27 pm
Topic: RE: Dry itchy scalp?

I did have this issue before, and it got worse after. If you have a Trader Joe's nearby, try the tea tree tingle shampoo & conditioner. It doesn't have sodium laurel sulfate in it. I did some digging, and some people are sensitive to this common shampoo ingredient. I noticed a big difference after about three weeks. I also live in a desert area, so everything dries out here.

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Linda B.
on 11/30/14 1:41 pm
Topic: RE: Hi everyone!

Well, it sure is good to see you post. CONGRATULATIONS on the baby!!! What wonderful news. I know you had been considering starting a family.

It is also good to hear that you found a school where you fit well. I started the year at a charter school an hour away, then got an offer with an online school. Now, I teach from home. It has lots of administrative tasks, but so far, I like it. It is good that we both found full-time work.

Oh, you two look great.

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Linda B.
on 11/30/14 11:09 am
Topic: RE: Need a little motivation for your exercise program? Think you're too old?

Wow, if that isn't motivation for people to get off their butts, I don't know what is.

high weight 230 start of journey weight 217 surgery weight 191 current weight 138

Linda B.
on 11/9/14 3:12 pm
Topic: RE: Two Years in Maintenance... An update

I am cheering you on towards that 7000 mile goal. Who would have ever thought that a VSG, and dedication could have produced a few (cough) older athletes. It is just so wonderful that you can ride for as long as you need to to reach the goal. Have a great CA weekend.

high weight 230 start of journey weight 217 surgery weight 191 current weight 138

Linda B.
on 11/4/14 3:19 pm
Topic: RE: Profect Protein Bullets

Bullets are low quality protein that WLS people can't absorb well. Collagen is cheap to produce, but is very inferior compared to what we really need. If you have issues with whey, you could try an egg white protein instead.

high weight 230 start of journey weight 217 surgery weight 191 current weight 138

Linda B.
on 11/4/14 3:15 pm
Topic: RE: Hair loss after VSG? Change in texture?

Pre-op I had thick hair. I did lose quite a bit, I did take biotin and made sure my protein was high enough. Some people just lose hair. I is coming back, but thinner and curlier. My new hairdresser is working on getting it looking better as time goes on. That said, would I trade my hair for my weight loss? HECK NO!!! I didn't go bald, a ponytail works, and I have a better quality of life. Yea, I'd trade some hair for that.

high weight 230 start of journey weight 217 surgery weight 191 current weight 138

Linda B.
on 11/4/14 3:10 pm
Topic: RE: The Naked Truth about Regain

I don't post as much as I used to either. This new job has me hopping. But, I'm glad I checked in tonight, as usual, your post was spot on. Like you, if it is a sugar, flour, fat combo, well, it isn't pretty. I also do much better on whole/real foods. I think most people do.

I am leaving the house well prepared tomorrow, I have to fill in as a proctor for the CAHSEE. Since I teach online now, I have no idea what to expect at the facility we are using. I know that if I am not prepared, the temptation to hit the "snacks" provided will be way to hard.

So, how are the dogs?


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Linda B.
on 10/31/14 2:51 pm
Topic: RE: The Most Precious NSV I will ever recieve!!

I am so sorry for your loss, losing a parent is really hard, both of mine are gone. Glad you made it to see her, and you are d=so right, there won't ever be a better NSV for you. There will be good ones, even after time passes and your weight is stable. But those words and that moment will outweigh them all.

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Linda B.
on 10/26/14 2:32 pm
Topic: RE: do you all weigh everything you eat?

My DH is almost 3 years out, and I am just over 2 years out, we still weigh and/or measure our food. We also use small dishes to help with the brain thing. If you have a small amount of food on a large plate, your brain will play tricks on you.

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Linda B.
on 10/26/14 2:30 pm
Topic: RE: How do you know when you're full?

I will tell you to not rush anything, stay on your dr's plan for progression/ Then, when it is time to have any type of food, mushies, soft, or regular, always weigh and or measure your food. My DH is almost 3 years out, and I am just over 2 years out, we still weigh and measure. Oh, we also use small dishes, it helps with the brain thing.

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Linda B.
on 10/26/14 2:25 pm
Topic: RE: Pyloric Valve 101-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-repost

The first time I read this, Mike was a newbie post-op and I was still trying to get Kaiser's approval. We have used this info to our advantage and I  believe it is one of the factors in our success so far. We have subbed as leaders for our support group, and I have printed and passed out this info to those considering a sleeve. Most of the people who come to the group are in the Kaiser options program and must attend a support group pre-op. Unfortunately, most of the time, we don't see them again until there is an issue that they want fixed. But some do come back and have mentioned how much this info has helped.

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Linda B.
on 10/22/14 4:30 pm
Topic: RE: Your Choice.

I responded to you last night on a different forum. I rarely go to that forum for obvious reasons, only when I need to post something that pertains. That being said, my DH and I know many people who have had RNY, and all but 2 have regained their weight, and about 4 have gained more than their loss. I believe in their cases, the malabsorption  of calories only lasts a couple of years. Then, your intestines adjust. Most of these friends do not follow the food rules. The two that have kept it off do follow the rules most of the time, one is a slave to the gym. She spends two hours there, everyday. When she slacks, she puts on pounds even though she does follow the food rules. the other one might be a little bulimic, she "excuses" herself to the restroom right after she stuffs herself, after every meal.

Don't get me wrong, eating disorders can occur with any WLS, so do be careful. But, after being a part of these folks lives, I knew RNY was not for me. I got to goal in nine months, and generally maintain within a seven pound range. There are many in this forum who have lost 100, 200, or even 300 pounds with a sleeve, so it can be done. Oh, my DH, lost 100 pounds, but because he looked to skinny, he gained 10 back on purpose, he also maintains, and has for almost three years.

If you do need some malabsorption, the DS is not a bad idea. Ms Batt is right, the stats are great. However, it is more complicated, and many people have had horrible complications using surgeons who do not have enough experience with this surgery. Please, if you choose a DS, check out the surgeon in detail. The DS forum can help. I do have a friend with a DS, a revision from a band. She is doing great, she can eat (couldn't with the band, scar tissue and erosion), she is losing weight, and has more energy.

Finally, take your time with your choice. I know we all want to get it done ASAP, but you need to know which option and the lifestyle associated with it will work for you forever. When you decide, it will feel right. Let us know if there is anything else we can help you with. No question is to strange around here.

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Linda B.
on 10/22/14 4:07 pm
Topic: RE: Frisco- World Series Special: Surf & Turf..... GO GIANTS !!!!!

That looks amazing. Of course I say, GO GIANTS!!! I may not live up north anymore, but I am still a loyal fan. Hopefully later this year I can say, GO 49RS!!! I do say it now, but I'm board the quest for six.

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Linda B.
on 10/21/14 4:30 pm
Topic: RE: Thanks to Kim and Rusty for speaking at support group tonight

DH and I are the sub leaders for support group when our regular leader gets called out to work.  I just want to give a shout out thank you to Kim and Rusty (OH staff) for driving all the way up to the high desert to speak at our support group tonight.

They gave our group a nice presentation about OH, the website, changes to come, and helpful hints. Considering the drive through construction zone HE**, both ways, I just wanted them (and all who see this) to know they are appreciated.

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Linda B.
on 10/21/14 4:21 pm
Topic: RE: Congratulations Jimbo and Christian (cozmo98) !!!!!

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Wishing you much love and happiness.

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Linda B.
on 10/21/14 4:16 pm
Topic: RE: "No Free Rides on the Skinny Train !!!"

I remember last fall when I bought my zip up, knee high boots, wow, what a feeling to be able to zip up a pair of boots. It's the little things that make me appreciate my sleeve.

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Linda B.
on 10/21/14 4:14 pm
Topic: RE: "No Free Rides on the Skinny Train !!!"

Now that I am working from home, I need to keep this in mind. It is way to easy to head to the fridge. I must not let my skinny train get derailed.

high weight 230 start of journey weight 217 surgery weight 191 current weight 138

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