This DSer's evening "gorge."

on 10/8/11 3:25 am, edited 10/8/11 3:28 am
 So, Diana, the carbs in all of that don't bother you?  If someone would invent a surgery that allowed me unlimited carbs, I'd be scratching out eyes to get it.

HW 263, 3lbs lost prior to surgery,  weight loss ticker is since surgery.
(deactivated member)
on 10/8/11 3:36 am - San Jose, CA

Well, there are different levels of "bother" with carbs.  White flour carbs cause gas, carbs in general, if consumed to excess, will cause weight gain.

I can tolerate a modest amount of white flour carbs IF I eat them late in the day.  By the time they are ready to cause trouble, I am doing my morning pooping, and the issues, if any, are taken care of at the same time.  And right now, I've got a little more leeway, because I just finished a round of Flagyl, so the bad bugs seem to be outnumbered at the moment. 

But I didn't eat WAY too many white flour carbs - unless you consider the pizza crust.  And who said anything about unlimited amounts?  I have no idea how much I consumed, but I'll bet it wasn't over 200 g (not counting the beer, wine and champagne).  And I had essentially NO carbs up until then yesterday.

* Sausages in a blanket - maybe 1/3 small crescent roll per piece, at 3 pieces

* Hot links in BBQ sauce - sugar in the BBQ sauce was minimal, and doesn't bother me anyway

* Buffalo wings with ranch dip - all good

* Cheese and crackers - only had a few

* Spanakopita - lots of butter in filo dough seems to suppress the problems - I actually have more issues with the spinach in it

* Stuffed olives - N/A

And later, before bed, I had a slice of leftover pizza from the other night - veggie lovers with extra cheese, artichoke hearts, portabello mushrooms - and anchovies and bacon. - Again, this was probably the worst of what I did last night, and I only ate one slice and didn't eat all of the crust.

No problem this morning.

on 10/8/11 4:15 am
 No, no, I didn't mean *you* said unlimited.  I'm just fantasizing here. ;-)  It does seem like you can tolerate a fair amount of carbs, though, which is certainly nice!
HW 263, 3lbs lost prior to surgery,  weight loss ticker is since surgery.
on 10/8/11 6:55 am - Wilmington, DE
Let me use yesterday's dinner.  My DD was at her Grandmother's, so DH and I went out to eat.  My entree came with two sides and either a soup or a salad.  While the entrees at this restaurant are always tasty, the sides suck.  So, I got:

1 bowl New England Clam chowder
1 8 oz flat-iron steak smothered in onions, red peppers, and mushrooms
French fries
Hot tea with cream & splenda

I ate about 3/4 of the bowl of soup with 4 saltines crumbled in it, but couldn't fini**** before my entree arrived.  I ate all of the steak - it was beautifully done medium-rare - and a few of the fries with ketchup.  I had a couple of bites of the veggies, but they didn't hit the spot, so I scooped them off to the side.  I had about 3 spoonfuls of the applesauce for something sweet.

Later at home, I had a slice of pecan pie for dessert.  No digestive problems here.
sw:298/cw:152/no goal set

"Differences of habit and language are nothing at all if our aims are identical and our hearts are open."  --J.K. Rowling,  Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Queen Koosa
on 10/8/11 8:53 am, edited 10/8/11 9:26 am
You know as a RNY'er I never worry about FAT I don't have any problems with it.  I only don't do sugar.  I eat as much fat and other things as I want and have not had any issues.  I'm still at 4 1/2 years out below goal with no problems maintaining it.  Size 4.  My issue was always sugar and you know I don't miss it.  With all the sugar free things out there I don't miss it or feel cheated.  This WLS has been the best thing I have ever done for myself.

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