Surgery Done!

on 4/24/15 8:35 am

Congrats to you.  I am resting also, walking around the house also.  Lots of chest pressure.  Doc says it's gas.  Very uncomfortable.  Are you experiencing any of that?  April 21 was the first day of the rest of our lives!!

on 4/24/15 8:46 am - Warrensburg, MO

I'm experiencing pressure in my left shoulder.

on 4/24/15 11:13 am

My pressure is in the middle of my chest radiating to my left side.  It's a little scary.

on 4/24/15 1:02 pm

I had surgery a little more than 6 weeks ago (3/2) and still have some pain in my shoulder sometimes. My surgeon said the initial pain was from the drain. He said that the pain was traveling from my wound (stomach) along the nerves to my shoulder. When he pulled the drain out it did get MUCH better, but I still have some pain occasionally. I think it's because I'm still healing. 
To lessen the pain I used a heating pad which seemed to help quite a bit. I also used a good supportive pillow because I tend to sleep on my side which didn't help the situation at all. Also take your pain meds. I was horrible at that but I learned that I needed them.

on 4/26/15 11:41 pm

Thank you Kathy S.  I appreciate the info and the "pep talk".  Let's keep in touch.


Kathy S.
on 4/25/15 10:20 am - InTheBurbs, XX
RNY on 08/29/04 with

Congratulations! We look forward to our updates

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

on 4/27/15 4:42 am

i had surgery on 4/23. feeling good. sipping my liquids, walking outside in the yard first a few times a day. eating my jello slowly. best of luck to you!

on 4/27/15 6:18 am

Good luck to you also.  Sipping my protein shake now. 😉

on 4/28/15 12:41 am

I'm 3 years out and although some of the people I shared this journey with have fallen by the wayside I must just offer this one piece of help. No matter how you ate or what issues you have had, my surgeon always said--"I'm operating on your stomach, not your brain!" Please forget about finding a substitute for (fill in the blank...) and just eat good. clean healthy food. I found the "head" issues were the most confounding--at the fridge door and not knowing why, etc. I have never, truly never been hungry for 3 years. (gastric sleeve). Don't let anyone kid you, it is not the "easy way out." But we have chosen to change our lives and you are with all of us on this amazing trek. May we continue to steady and hold each other up. Best Wishes, Don't Look back and as my granddaughetr says "Chins up!" Grandkids5


on 4/28/15 12:58 am

Thank you so much for the positive and encouraging words.  I think I will need them throughout this journey.  I look forward to passing on this knowledge also.  Please keep in touch.  And a big congrats on your continuing success.


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