Feeling uneducated

Beam me up Scottie
on 1/18/17 9:16 pm
Sounds normal. 10 years ago, I found this site, found good advice, it saved my life.

Read read read read read.......ask questions....take advice. Most of the people here (the Hags especially) have really good advice for RNY patients.


THE BIGGEST THING YOU SHOULD BE LOOKING AT BESIDES EATING IS YOUR SUPPLEMENTS!!!! If your doctor did not give you any info, you need to get on a good vitamin regime. You need good quality suppliments..and you need to take them multiple times per day. (Iron, calcium, Bs, multi, ADEK, etc).

on 1/18/17 9:23 pm
RNY on 12/08/16

Thanks, Scott! Right now I'm trying to find a liquid multi-vitamin that doesn't have all those fake sweeteners in it but I can't find one that fits my budget. I'll stick with the chewables for now until I find something.

Beam me up Scottie
on 1/18/17 9:47 pm
Your a "newbie" you'll have time to get the vits....but you should be starting ot think about it and get in what you can.

I will not lie...vits can be expensive. I spend about 50 to 80 dollars per month on suppliments. I had the DS...so I take more, but you will have to fork over some money. I do not recommend liquid multis> I just do not think they have enough stuff for the money.
on 1/19/17 1:22 am, edited 1/18/17 5:26 pm
VSG on 07/28/14

You may feel uneducated but you are very intellgent to ask questions.  Go back to your surgeon and have them provide you any post-op information they have and any specific information related to your health,  your PCP can help with your health info too.

Google bariatric centers of excellence and the ASMBS for information, also try searching for PDF files from reputable sources, in Google add "filetype:pdf" (quotation marks not needed) in the search window to return PDF documents for your search that you can save and print out.

You will go through post op diet phases and have daily water, protein and exercise goals, to name a few things to follow.

The WLS forums are very helpful, but compare the information to reputable sources to make sure it is accurate. Also, if you have any health issues, consult your PCP and surgeon before taking certain vitamin and mineral supplements.

We all have your back. You will succesfully lose that excess weight.


on 1/19/17 9:34 am
RNY on 12/08/16

This is great! I will be googling all day in between clients. Thank you :)

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