Member Services’s Posts

Member Services
on 10/29/14 9:41 am
Topic: RE: * List of Questions to Choose a Bariatric Surgeon and Plastic Surgeon *

It is important to interview bariatric surgeons and plastic surgeons before selecting your surgeon.  ObesityHelp has provided lists of questions for you to review and use.  Be your own health care advocate and obtain the answers that you need to make the best decision for yourself. 

List of Questions for a Bariatric Surgeon: .html

List of Questions for a Plastic Surgeon: o-ask-your-plastic-surgeon-2

If you would like our assistance, let us know


Member Services
on 10/29/14 9:41 am
Topic: RE: Launching soon!

We are excited to announce a new addition to ObesityHelp - the updated OH Product Directory. 

Updated Product Directory: The OH Product Directory has been revamped to make it easier for you to find and research high-quality products to support your weight loss surgery journey. You can also share your product feedback with the community by leaving reviews for products that you’ve tried.


  • Added to the main navigation vs. being housed in the Nutrition Forum.

  • Brand new vendor and product profiles where vendors can update their profiles with photos, videos, and relevant details about the products.

  • Find the exact product you're looking for by using the new product search or browse by categories, trending, popular, latest and highest rated.

Note: Our next release will allow you to add new products that you want to review to the directory.

Other Miscellaneous Updates:

•    We've added featured articles back to the top of the homepage.
•    Improved mobile navigation including right side menu slide out.
•    Unified slide out menu with supporting applications (Forums, Products).
•    Additional cleanup and fixes throughout mobile site.
•    Improved interface for large screen viewing.

Member Services
on 10/14/14 2:59 am
Topic: RE: OH Member Sarah (Saralicious) on The Doctors show

OH member and OAC's Member of the Year, Saralicious will be on The Doctors television show today.  Sarah is a dedicated advocate for the Lymphedema Treatment Act and shares her story on the show.  Check your local listings to watch the show or on The Doctors website after airing.

We want to thank Sarah for all she does for the OH community and as an advocate for others suffering from Lymphedemia and Lipedema, along with her insurance knowledge and expertise. 


Member Services
on 10/10/14 1:35 am
Topic: RE: Helpful Tips for Posting

We've put together a list of helpful tips for posting.  The tips will help other OH community members to be able to provide information and support to you. 

Big thanks to Amy R., Citizen (USA Brit) Kim, Hislady and Bette B. for their great suggestions.

1.  In the Subject line of your post, include a few words as to what you are posting about. 

2.  In your post, including the information:
     A.  Which surgery procedure you had (or are having)
     B.  When you had surgery (under a year post-op:  month/date/year or if over one year post-op:  month/year).
          Example - "I have had TYPE OF SURGERY and am NUMBER of weeks/months/years post-op (or had surgery in YEAR")

3.  Personalize your OH profile to be about you.  The time you spend on your profile is important for you and other members in the OH community.  Share about your journey, write blog posts, upload photos and other completed items on your profile helps members to get to know you better. 

4.  Make sure to add a photo or image as your avatar.  It will help other members to be able to identify you by your avatar and your username or display name.

5.  Please know that members are trying to help and support you when they reply to your post.  If you think something in a post is too direct or sounds negative to you, keep in mind that you can't read a person's voice and tone in a written post.  Remember that they've taken the time and care in replying to you. 

6.  Review the Terms of Service and make sure your posts are within the TOS. 

We're all part of this special OH community!

Member Services
on 10/10/14 1:34 am
Topic: RE: Update on the notification issue

We're excited to update everyone that the notification issue has been resolved by our IT Team.  Members should now receive notifications!! 

If you have any issues receiving a notification, please send the link to the post you made that you did not receive a notification to Member Services.

Big thanks to everyone for their patience and assistance! 

Member Services
on 8/28/14 4:53 am
Topic: RE: At the OH Conference #OH2014, Graham Elliot reveals....

Check out the videos of Graham's first ever "Fireside Chat" interview.

You'll find out what he has to say about how having weight loss surgery has impacted his wife and kids, find out who he told first about his decision to have WLS, even though he is a chef and MasterChef judge-what he NO LONGER eats, what he thinks about WLS as the "easy way out," his thoughts on being approached about his WLS and questions from others if they should have WLS, and much, much more! 

Be prepared to laugh, motivated and inspired. 

Member Services
on 8/27/14 12:26 am
Topic: RE: Members Speak.....If you could, would you?

If you could go back to your decision to have weight loss surgery, would you still have it? 

(Replies may be used by OH for a future article and/or newsletter.)

Member Services
on 8/24/14 9:04 pm
Topic: RE: Dr. Gilberto Ungson

We are excited to let you know that Dr. Gilberto Ungson will be frequently joining this message board.  Dr. Ungson will reply with answers to some of your questions and support you with your WLS journey. 

Welcome and thanks to Dr. Ungson!

Member Services
on 8/19/14 1:39 am
Topic: RE: Hit my dr included

Congratulations on your weight loss....


Member Services
on 8/16/14 9:07 am
Topic: RE: Did you miss it?

Did you miss the keynote by Graham Elliot?  You can see Parts 1 and 2 of the "Fireside Chat" style interview with Graham on the life updates feed.  It is informative and inspirational. 

Thank you Graham for joining the #OH2014 Conference. 

Member Services
on 8/16/14 12:48 am
Topic: RE: The schedule for today....

The agenda for today at the #OH Conference is exciting!  You can check out the live updates along with others in the OH community. 

Here's a preview of today's line-up.  The times are in Pacific time so make sure to adjust for your time zone:

Featured Keynote with Q&A @ 9:20 a.m. to 10:20 a.m.
Chef Graham Elliot

Educational Keynote, Dr. Scott Cunneen @ 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
What to do When the Honeymoon is Over

Diana Vogel, MS, MFT Intern @ 1:00 p.m. to 1:50 p.m.
What to Expect When You’re Expecting…Surgery to Work

Kyle Brown, BA, CCN, CSCS, YFS, CMTA, NASM-CPT @ 1:00 p.m. to 1:50 p.m.
How Much Does the Zebra Weigh?

Dr. Jacqueline Jacques @ 2:00 p.m. to 2:50 p.m.
Re-Defining Success After Bariatric Surgery

Dr. Alejandro Quiroz @ 2:00 p.m. to 2:50 p.m.
Exploring Your Reconstructive Plastic Surgery Options

Jill Temkin, MA, RAS, TEP @ 3:00 p.m. to 3:50 p.m.
Six Steps To Success When Coping With Addiction After Weight Loss Surgery

Dr. J. Timothy Katzen @ 3:00 p.m. to 3:50 p.m.
Reconstructive Plastic Surgery After Weight Loss Surgery

Q&A with the Professional Panel @ 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Dr. Siamak Agha
Jill Temkin, MA, RAS, TEP
Jacqueline Jacques, ND, FTOS
Angela Taylor, LCSW
Dr. Elias Ortiz

Have a great day!

Member Services
on 8/15/14 1:31 am
Topic: RE: Keep up with the happenings at the #OH2014 Conference

For the first time ever, we will be doing live updates for the #OH2014 Conference.  The Conference starts today and goes through Saturday, 8/16/14.  Keep up with what's happening at the Conference: l-conference-live-updates

Want to see the fun and education that is going on?  Check -

Join us! 

Member Services
on 8/14/14 5:32 am
Topic: RE: Tomorrow is the big day, get your tickets before it's too late. OH 2014 Event!

The big day is almost here, don't miss out!

Bring your friends and supporters or make new friends like we do! To purchase tickets: 

We hope to see you there


Member Services
on 8/12/14 1:17 am
Topic: RE: Help, my cousin is dying!

Some posts on this thread have been removed due to personal attacks which is in violation of the Terms of Services.  

Personal attacks are not allowed pursuant to our Terms Of Services.

Personal attacks include, but are not limited to, name-calling, being hateful, threatening, harassing, insulting, malicious or attacking a member personally rather than challenging a member's views or position in an appropriate and respectful way.  

Please keep comments on the subject, not on the person.

We appreciate your anticipated cooperation as an ObesityHelp member.   

Thank you,

Member Services

Member Services
on 8/11/14 6:50 am
Topic: RE: Suggestions from OH Member and OH SGL Father Don

Father Don has attended many ObesityHelp Conferences throughout the years.  He is a long-term OH member and a valued OH Support Group Leader.  Don and his wife, Tonimarie (they met at an OH Conference and are now married!), are unable to attend this year but Don wanted to share these suggestions with 2014 OH Conference attendees:

"1. Do not be a wall flower. Walk up to others. Introduce yourself.

2. You will develop bonds and friendships that transcend distance, religion, culture, and sexuality.

3. Share you story and journey.

4. Take in everything, enjoy it.

5. You will develop a "high" that will last one to two weeks after the conference.

Last but not least, I will tell you to NEVER, EVER use the phrase "I ONLY lost...." Any loss is a victory. If you lost 20 pounds pre-surgery, you wouldn't use that phrase, so never, ever use it at the conference

Have fun. Wish I could be there! I will just live through others that attend."

Thanks Father Don for sharing your insights as a veteran of OH Conferences. 

Member Services
on 8/9/14 2:47 am
Topic: RE: Hair Loss??

Hi Breyes1961,

Sigh this is different for everyone and some don't even lose any hair.  Some say Biotin supps helped, others used Nioxin products.  The next time you see your surgeon ask them about your hair loss. Once you reach goal your body can take up to a year to adjust. Also, check  your blood levels the next time you have blood workup. Hang in there and congrats on your surgery....

Member Services
on 8/6/14 4:50 am
Topic: RE: pic

Hi Donna,

We noticed your photo was really large and it had to be resized. We uploaded it for you and you now have a face   If you need help with anything else please let us know at [email protected]

Member Services
on 8/6/14 4:45 am
Topic: RE: Happy dance

WOOHOO we are doing the happy dance with you...



Member Services
on 8/6/14 4:44 am
Topic: RE: Chat room?


OH use to have a chatroom but it was a very old format and our Tech Team pulled it for an update.  When they start a new chat room we will be sure and let you know 

Member Services
on 8/1/14 1:51 am
Topic: RE: Yoga & You Starter Kit Giveaway ($176 Value)

To celebrate the upcoming ObesityHelp National Conference, we’ve partnered with one of our amazing speakers, Abby Lentz of HeavyWeight Yoga to bring you an amazing yoga starter kit! If you’re attending the ObesityHelp National Conference make sure to stop by Abby’s talk, Yoga is Not a 4-Letter Word: How Yoga Supports Your Weight Loss Journey From Start to Finish!

There will be one winner selected at random to receive the entire giveaway bundle:

  • Hugger Mugger Nature Collection Mat
  • Peachskin Eyebag with Herbal Filling
  • Hugger Mugger Batik Mat Bag
  • Hugger Mugger 10-Foot Strap
  • Blanket
  • HWY DVD: Yoga for the Body You Have Today
  • HWY DVD2:  Change the Image of Yoga
  • HWY Embroidered Hat

 Stop by for more details about the Giveaway & to see all the ways that you can enter! 

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