Saturday last stage of trip

on 12/12/15 1:11 pm

Cindi and Ladies,

I am running in and posting and then back out the door. DH and I have three more crazy parties to go to and we are finished for the year.  His company party is coming up and I had made a really cute skirt and top to wear and then I realized that I don't have one single jacket to wear...I have this really cute cape but it won't go with this outfit and I don't have time to make anything so we are headed to buy me a wrap of some kind...maybe one of those scarf/poncho things...anyway, we still need to pick up some small gifts for the kids and we are buying our gifts for each other (we are getting a new apple TV); it's not a TV but a device that helps our smart tv be more smarter....or some stupid thing like that.  

Well, ladies, I hope the rest of your day is good.  I wish I had a magic rug and couldn't come see you all and have a cup of coffee and we could spend some time together...wouldn't that be fun?

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