Thin Crust Pizza

on 4/9/11 4:35 pm
 Don't forget...the idea is protein first!! If you concentrate on protein, then veggies/fruits, then complex carbs, you prob won't have room for "pizza" crust.

   COMPARISON is the thief of all joy.
HW 255~SW 234~CW 178-GW 150
Christina D.
on 4/9/11 4:44 pm - Flagstaff, AZ
I was at my cousins house this evening and pizza was for dinner (the Walmart deli pizzas).  I ate the toppings (meat) of one and a half pieces and had maybe a bite or two of the crust. 

While I did have a a bite or two of the crust, I for sure will not take more than one or two bites and will never never never eat the whole piece, crust and toppings. 

You just kinda try things out and see how your tummy feels. 

on 4/10/11 2:17 am
Pizza's can be made of english muffins as well.  When they are toasted/baked...they are firmer and not as chewy. 
on 4/10/11 4:07 am - COLUMBIA CITY, IN
It's not that you CAN"T have something - ask yourself "Is it WISE?"

For the first year we normally take in less than a cup of food.  We NEED the most nutrition in that food as possible to fuel our body, give us energy, the ability to have immune system, keep us healthy and from disease.  After RNY - that means protein first (always), then veggies, fruit and whole grain.  Lot's of water and our vitamins & supplements.

Where is the nutrition in white flour??  Does it take up much pouch space - yes.

For me - my goal was not how soon I could go back to eating foods that made me morbidly obese in the first place.  For me, my addictive foods were sweets (white sugar) and breads (white flour).  Post-op I determined to DETOX myself from those foods.  After two years omitting sweets and breads they are no longer "calling" to me.

If  you introduce these empty - non nutritional carbs into your eating plan - your body will crave more.   Just ask those who started out with just a couple bites of cookie, cake, ice cream, bread, etc. - before long they were eating more and more and more.

You only get one chance to go thru the fast weight loss "honeymoon phase" of the first 18 months and then it is gone - forever, and  your ability to malabsorb lessens and your pouch does increase in size.

Decide how you want to change your eating habits and begin a new lifestyle.  It is a personal choice and you have sacrificed to get to this place.  I don't judge anyones decision - only ask you to CHOOSE how you want to proceed.  Be mindful about what you are doing and do it with purpose.

Best wishes.
Highest Weight 255  * Wt loss includes 19 lb lost before surgery

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