Were you overweight as a child?

Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 9/16/12 6:51 pm - OH
I was a pretty normal sized kid until age 9.  Then, as soon as the very beginnings of puberty hit, I started gaining weight.  By the time I started my Senior year in High School, I weighed 175 pounds (at 5'3"). I dropped a few pounds that year, but then I slowly gained through my 20s and was MO by my 30s.  After a significant life trauma in my mid 30s, I gained about 100 pounds in 18 months or so.  Then I gained another 30 pounds after a second trauma about 3 years before my RNY which put me at a high weight of 332 pounds and a BMI of 57 before I had surgery.

I am 5 years out and have been maintaining at about 15 pounds less than when I graduated from High School 32 years ago.  


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 9/16/12 7:25 pm - MA
RNY on 07/09/12
Yea since around age 4 or 5. I always remember food being the most exciting my entire life

10 lbs lost pre op      

on 9/16/12 7:26 pm - San Antonio, TX
RNY on 09/18/12
 from age 7 on I struggled with my weight losing it only to quickly gain it back, putting my body through the ringer the most I wieghed was 350 lbs. it makes me laugh when these commercilas like the insanity workout say you can be fit in two months. If no one has been there then they shouldn't say they things like that. struggles can be difficult and obesity is a disease like drug addiction yet we are treated like we are complaicent  and don't even try. a drug addict is offered the gift of rehab all obese people are offerded is the rude statement of, "just push yourself away from the dinner table." I am glad that doctors care enough to take the steps the treat this disease just like it is...




on 9/16/12 7:37 pm
I was thin until I went to Jr. High school.  I gained about 50 lbs that summer and I didn't even realize it.  I was like a size 16 in girls clothes and when I went shopping for Jr. High I was a 16 women's so I just thought that was how it worked.
Of course I figured it out as soon as I walked into the school.  Everyone made fun of me and called me fat.  I weighed 135 lbs!  My mother was mortified and took me to Weigh****chers when I was 13.  I lost about 17 lbs and stay there for all of 10 minutes.  Next was the diet pills.  I started those at about 140, lost about 20 and then piled it back on as soon as I stopped taking them.  I tried them again and they didn't work anymore.
At that point I pretty much gave up and accepted that I was always going to be fat.  I figured out that if diets worked there would be no fat people running around.  I did try a fast at about 18.  I didn't eat a bite for 30 days.  I think I lost about 30 lbs.  All I could think about were Big Macs.  As soon as I could I ran out and bought some.  So much for gently breaking a fast.
At about 21 I got tired of being fat and put myself on a diet.  I started going to OA and it really worked... when I worked it.
I would lose a lot of weight, get pregnant and gain a lot of weight, have the baby and force myself to lose weight again.  I have 5 kids (one adopted but I had a stillbirth in there, too).  It was so bad that people who didn't see me for a while didn't know if I was going to be fat, thin or pregnant.  I remember when my mother and I didn't speak for about a year and she came to Oregon to visit my kids.  I was in the hospital having my youngest that she didn't even know I was expecting.  She started drilling the kids to find out out me and they were given strict orders not to tell her I was pregnant.  She asked my son if I was fat or thin and he lost it and that is how she found out about that one.
The funny thing is as much as I yoyoed I never crossed into morbid obesity until the year I had my first WLS.  I remember being afraid I wouldn't qualify because my BMI wasn't 40 and I had no comorbidities.  I gave myself permission to eat freely and I just made it to a 40 BMI when I had my appointment with the surgeon.  My surgery was about 2 months later and at that time my BMI was up to 42.
Because I have had (brief) periods of being thin it wasn't a big change.  And just like every other time I didn't stay thin long.  I pretty much resigned myself to a life of morbid obesity because I figured if WLS didn't work nothing would.  I had my revision due to problems I was having with malabsorption.  It it wasn't for that I never would have sought out a revision.  My surgeon even told me that I might now lose any weight with the revision.  I tend to think he felt that way because I had failed my first surgery so miserably that I wouldn't do much better with this one.  
I had the revision and decided to do things differently this time, like actually use the surgery as a tool instead of expecting it to do it all for me.  I worked on my food issues and made changes in the way I ate.  The surgery did give me the tools to stick with a healthy was of eating and the difference this time is that I am not fighting hunger all the time and I'm not dealing with the cravings I always had before for things with sugar and wheat.  I decided to eliminate those things from my eating and I haven't had much problems with cravings.
I have maintained my weight for over a year now.  Not much but a personal record for me.  I have no idea what the future holds.  All I can do is to try to continue what I am doing every day.

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

on 9/16/12 11:46 pm

Honey...I have no doubt in my mind that you are going to make it. From reading all your posts you are a changed person and are beyond food.  You are one of my role models.

Toad         Starting weight: 249 Day of surgery wt: 217  GW: 109 CW 149                                                                    
on 9/17/12 11:06 am
Thank you so  much for saying that.  I hope you are right but it's just one day at a time :)

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

on 9/16/12 9:13 pm - Sacramento, CA
Nope. I was tiny. I remember thinking in 9th grade I was fat, but I weighed 100 lbs. I gained weight when we moved my senior year. I missed my city and my friends and where I lived, you drive the car if needed to get somewhere, where before I walked everywhere. Then I shot up to 220! When that happened, I freaked out a bit and started walking to excersice and got to 160. Stayed there for awhile until I got married.

Height:5'1.5 RNY:11/30/11 HW:307 SW:234 CW:136 GW:140 (LOST 73 Lbs. PRE-OP)



on 9/16/12 9:16 pm
 I started gaining at 7 when my mom was diagnosed with cancer.  Everyone felt sorry for me so they gave me food to make me feel better.  I quickly learned if I am sad then I should eat.
on 9/16/12 10:25 pm - OR
RNY on 08/20/12
No.  I was a normal weight until after I had my daughter at 21.  I was in an unhealthy marriage and learned to turn to food for comfort.  It became the new norm and I've lived that way until now.  That was 25 years ago.  I'm 47 and have a new plan ahead of me.  :)

Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life!      
HW: 243  CW: 157  SW: 217
RNY: 8/20/12  Age: 48 Height: 5'3"

I've lost 86lbs!  Lost 90, but the honeymoon phase is over.  Now the real work begins!





on 9/16/12 11:53 pm
I used to be a teeny child.  I was the skinniest kid in 2nd and 3rd grade.  (We got weighed at school in front of everyone else ) Once when I was sick the doctors accused my mom of starving me. She didn't.  I was a very picky eater and didn't eat much unless it was junk which we rarely had in the house. My mother also didn't believe in snacking. It was 3 meals a day and they were small.  I didn't get chubby until puberty.  I also got polycystic ovarian syndrome which I think contributed to getting heavier.  I joined a gym in high school when I was 15 years old. I weighed in at 148 1/2 lbs.  From that point on in my life I only got heavier.  I did 2 high impact aerobics classes a day and didn't lose a pound.  All I got was shin splints from all the jumping around.  Today I weighed in at  147.4.  I am now lighter than I was in highschool but am shaped far differently.  I have another 40lbs to lose since I am still huge in my stomach area.  Life would be easier for me if I could afford a suck and tuck for my stomach.
Toad         Starting weight: 249 Day of surgery wt: 217  GW: 109 CW 149                                                                    
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