Putting down my fur baby today and all i wanna do is eat

on 8/29/14 7:28 am - OH
RNY on 03/12/13

Thanks everyone. it was a hard day today. I ended up eating a piece of pie.  It is what it is.  I could have ate way more of something even worse but I didn't.   I need to find new ways to grieve. 

        HW: 373 GW: 170 HT: 5'10"



Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 8/29/14 3:59 pm - OH

This new life is a learning process.  You ate a piece of pie, but -- as you said -- you could have done MUCH worse!  So give yourself credit for limiting the amount of food you ate for comfort.

I did the same when I had to put down my precious Chow, Khan, because of his severe hip dysplasia when he wasn't even 2 yet.  I had a very special bond with him and it broke my heart. I ate half a cup of ice cream. It made me sick to my stomach, but I was already sick from grief. Then I found other things that were comforting.

I hope you find something non-edible that eases your pain a bit. I am sorry for your loss, but you know you did the loving thing.



14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 8/29/14 8:06 am

So very sorry about this.  It is hard on us humans to make this decision but it is our responsibility to make sure they are well cared for and well loved while they are here and to make sure they have an easy passing when the time comes, if we get that choice.  They all wait for us at the Rainbow Bridge.  Hugs.

  All posts that I make on this site, any forum, are a result in my having experience and caring for anyone having to go through life as an obese person. If you have medical issues, please see your doctor for medical advice.



on 8/29/14 10:52 am
RNY on 11/18/13

Conan is no longer sick.  He is young and healthy again.  He is crossing the rainbow bridge where someone will show him the shade trees and the best grass to run in and where the best swimming holes are. All the dogs have squeaky tennis balls.   You are also on a journey to be young and healthy again.  He would want you to get up and put one foot in front of the other and do something for yourself.  It is hard but you can do it.  He would want you to do it.



on 8/29/14 12:40 pm - OH
RNY on 03/12/13

Thank you!

        HW: 373 GW: 170 HT: 5'10"



on 8/29/14 10:28 pm

So, so sorry. Went through this so many times. It does not get easier. Try to stay strong. You have to (and please know that I know NOTHING can replace your beloved k9 family member) stay healthy for that new pup that needs a great home!! All the best to you and your family. 

on 8/29/14 11:51 pm

I'm so sorry for your loss !!! I can relate our family consists of 12 children (6 are fur babies) our oldest fur baby is a 15 year old Husky named Thunder and she is steadily declining. Last year we moved to a new house with less stairs just to make her life easier because we couldn't stand the thought of letting her go. She is doing much better getting outside to the backward now but still has a lot of accidents in the house and we give her pain medication daily. The vet says she is still doing okay and doesn't appear to be suffering so we haven't had to make the decision yet but we know it's on the horizon. You are in my thoughts and again I'm so sorry for your loss and the hurt it must bring you. I'm sure your fur baby is in place were he is frolicking like a puppy again, waiting for you and one day you will be together again. 


Referral May 14th/14, HRRH Orientation Aug/18th/14, Surgeon (Dr.Starr) Appt Nov/28th/14, Clinic Nurse,Social Worker, Dietitian Dec/15th/14, Dr.Glazer Feb/5th/15, OptiFast Feb/16th/15, PATTS Feb/17th/15, Surgery March 2nd/15 HW 230, SW 202, CW 130

on 8/30/14 12:42 am

I'm so sorry. I swear losing a pet is one of the hardest things in life. I am sure Conan is enjoying himself in dog heaven now and is finally free from pain. 

"Encourage your hopes and not your fears"

Pre-Op Month 2 of 6



on 8/30/14 10:08 am

Oh I am so sorry

on 8/30/14 11:16 am - AL
VSG on 03/13/14

I'm so sorry for your loss.  I've had dogs all my life and can not imagine my life without them.  In my lifetime I've lost several; one special dog named Chancy that I had adopted from a pup on up to her age 13 that I still think of and miss daily after several years.  I kept my heart open though and continued to have and still have dogs and I love them all dearly.  My husband has a very old dachshund aged 17 years old that's not in the best of heath. 

Don't eat the feelings away, I used to be a stress/boredom eater and smoker and still struggle with it. Thankfully not the smoking bit as I gave that up years ago and now hate the smell.  Visit this site http://kaysheppard.com/ and look into reading her books.  My heart and thoughts go out to you for the loss of your precious furbaby. 


With God ALL things are possible! VSG 3/13/14 Dr. John Mathews


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