what do I need to know that the surgeon isn't telling me ?

on 12/1/14 10:22 am - CA

I'm due for my Gastric Bypass this Friday (5 December). I too am morbidly obese at 340 lbs with a high BMI. 

I haven't been diagnosed with a fatty liver but would presume I have one at my weight. Adhering to the Optifast diet today with some cottage cheese and tomato to supplement it (and occasional egg with salad - my dr is ok with this thankfully).


Would like friend you on here if you are still about as it's inspiring to see people who were at or close to my starting weight in particular as I feel the journey before me is so huge.



Citizen Kim
on 11/30/14 9:22 am, edited 11/30/14 9:24 am - Castle Rock, CO

This is a "how long is a piece of string" question as we all have different experiences!

No pre-op diet for me, surgery took 40 minutes.  I was up and walking as soon as I left recovery.   No narcotics after recovery.   Released after leak test (24 hours after surgery) and driving the day after I left the hospital - my son had golf lessons booked!

I had an 11 month old and so was back at "work" the day I left hospital.   My husband only took the two days off work (day of surgery and day of release) to look after the kids.   I really never had any pain, maybe mild discomfort and nothing that couldn't have been handled by Tylenol.

I absolutely could have been back at a desk job a week later - it would have been more restful than looking after my kids LOL!

Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

on 11/30/14 11:43 am
RNY on 07/23/14

yes everyone is different. I was in hospital 2 nights. had Surgery on Wednesday, released Friday. Doc said I could drive once I was off pain killers for 24 hours. I took one Friday night, Tylenol on Saturday and nothing after that. Laid low for the weekend. Had my post-op visit on Monday, and then went and taught a 2 hour painting class at the local library. By one week out I felt great, but did need an afternoon nap for a couple of weeks. How much weight you lose the first month is variable. Don't compare yourself. Do what you are supposed to do and it will happen. I started a 3 1/2 week stall after the first week. So month 1 was not my biggest month. Month 3 was. Everyone is different.

Cynthia 5'11" RNY 7/23/2014

Goal reached 17 months. 220lb Weight Loss
Plastic Surgery Dr. Joseph Michaels - LBL and Hernia Repair 2/29/16, Arm Lift, BL, 5/2/16, Leg Lift 7/25/16

#lifeisanadventure #fightthegoodfight #noregrets



on 11/30/14 12:18 pm
RNY on 08/11/14

Welcome!! I also did not have a pre-op diet other then fasting the night before surgery. I wasn't in a great deal other than shoulder pain from the gas (which was worse when I layed down so I slept sitting upright for a few days). I stayed one night in the hospital and went back to work after 3 weeks. I was originally scheduled to go back after 2 but was still very tired in the afternoon and needed a nap. Once I was able to start taking all the necessary vitamins I had so much more energy. As mentioned, weight loss varies greatly but I lost  just about 20 pounds the first month. My one piece of advice-take Chapstick to the hospital. Best of luck to you! 

RNY 8/11/14 with Dr. Kelvin Higa PS Lipectomy 4/12/17 with Dr. John Burnett HW291.4/CW165/GW150

on 11/30/14 12:34 pm

thanks ! Where can I get cheap acceptable protein shakes? Does Blue Cross Blue Shield cover them? Probably not LOL

on 11/30/14 12:44 pm
RNY on 08/11/14

I know it sounds crazy but my plan doesn't allow protein shakes or anything like that. As I've come to understand each surgeon/group has their own plan and mine wants the protein to come from food and at almost 4 months post op my daily requirement is 60.

RNY 8/11/14 with Dr. Kelvin Higa PS Lipectomy 4/12/17 with Dr. John Burnett HW291.4/CW165/GW150

on 11/30/14 9:46 pm

Mine didnt after the first two weeks.

RNY Surgery: 12/31/2013; 

Current weight (2/27/2015) 139lbs, ~14% body fat

Three pounds below Goal!!! Yay !  

on 11/30/14 7:25 pm
RNY on 09/26/14

I was in pain when I first woke up, but the pain after that was minimal. I walked almost as soon as I was awake enough to move the gas. I was in the hospital 2 nights. Had no pain meds after second day. The things on my legs were annoying to me, so I got to remove them second night for sleep. I have always liked Atkins protein shakes, but they were all disgusting to me after surgery~ as was coffee which I've always enjoyed. All water tasted like it came from the sewer. That was VERY strange to me. Crystal light strawberry lemonade was the only thing I could stand to drink. (All this is back to normal now, a full 2 mos out. Whew!)  you can add extracts to protein shakes to boost the flavor. I sometimes use chocolate or mint extract in mine. The Premier Protein shakes are not very tasty, but have 30 gm protein which was good because it was VERY hard for me to drink liquids up until last week. All better now!  I went back to a standing/walking all day job in 2 weeks with zero problems. Only food I cannot yet tolerate is beef.  Yikes!  Ouch. Prepare to be constipated. No fun. All in all, tho, I feel great!!  I find myself smiling all the time, everyday chores are much easier and I have much more energy. It's worth every bit of the weird stuff. Also, you'll probably feel regret or anger or depression the first couple of days. It was weird. I guess it's the "loss of food" or something. Kind of does a little number on your brain, but was very temporary. While you're home, I'd advise you to get out to the grocery store or even the mall so you're not just lying around. We went to a couple of movies, too. 

Good luck to you!  Keep us posted!!

on 11/30/14 9:57 pm - Brighton, IL

I had my surgery 27 months ago and had a one week diet of only protein shakes. I have no idea how long my surgery took but the surgeon also repaired a hiatal hernia at the same time. I spent only one night in the hospital and was walking about twenty minutes after I got into my room. Make yourself walk even if it hurts because its the only way to get rid of the excess gas. I thought pain was minimal but I have had daily pain from RA for 30+ years. I took no narcotic pain meds at all after surgery. I did great when I came home and have had no complications. Everyone's weight loss is different but I lost 24 pounds the first month. I lost 145 pounds in about 8.5 months but followed my doctors plan 100% of the time and exercised nearly every day. I still do! I am loving my new healthy life as a thin person now.



on 11/30/14 10:17 pm - Nashville, TN

Hey!   First off.... Congratulations for making the decision to have the surgery.  You will look back on this as the best decision you have ever made.   As everyone has told you,  everyone is different.  Every Surgeon's requirements are different.  Follow what your Dr. tells you to do.   I had RNY on July 10th (Thursday) and only allowed them to give me drugs that night.  That was to help me sleep.  I was up walking before I even got assigned a room.  The girdle they gave you was my best friend for the first couple of weeks as it kept from feeling like when I coughed I would open up my small incsions.  (Never did)  Only stayed one night in Hospital and was back at work the following Tuesday full time.   I believe it was because I did not keep taking the pain meds.  And... I didn't really need them.  I have never been in pain... only discomfort.   I LOVE the Unjury protein shakes (Particularly the Chocolate splendor) and I mix them with unsweetend Almond milk.  This is very comfortable on my new stomach and tastes wonderful.  Your tastes will change from before the surgery.  Just be prepared.  I find protein bars are too dense and I don't like them.  When I have them I have an Atkins bar.  Also... one thing people won't tell you.... going low carb will give you an edge.  It will help you with the food addiction for later.  I don't eat more than 10 - 20 carbs a day and it has been amazing.   Also,  they are not kidding around when they say don't drink water until 30 mintues after your meals.   Follow those instructions to the letter.   Also,  don't keep thinking  "How much can I eat?"  You should be asking "How little can I eat?"   Keep it to the 2 to 3 oz of protein they recommend and a few veggies.   Don't fill up on Carbs.  Cut out bread, pasta all that stuff.   It just gets easier and easier and for the first time in your life you will be actually full and stay full.  It is wonderful.   I'm 4 months out and have lost over 100 lbs. No pain.  Feel great.    Good Luck!   Harris

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