Not tolerating soft foods

on 12/18/14 6:02 am
RNY on 12/03/14

I like many other before have some issue with eggs, less with poached than scrambled or hard boiled. I am pretty good with fish but sometime find that smashing it and mixing with a little oatmeal makes it is much more tolerable. You may want to give that a try or mixing with cream of wheat that you are tolerating well. Good luck.

on 12/18/14 7:37 am - MN
RNY on 11/26/12

I'm back to trying eggs again for a whole different reason--I hated cleaning out the *@# pan.  However, thanks to a department store clerk, she recommended a ceramic-lined pan.  Wow, it seems too good to be true...the egg slid right out onto the plate and a quick swipe with a paper towel cleaned it.  Please tell me if I am dreaming?

on 12/18/14 7:49 am

After reading some post. People have had difficulty with eggs.

Good to know your back on...

Are there foods that you are not tolerating?

on 12/18/14 8:23 am

I am on my 5th week out and I cant eat much soft foods at all.  I can do cheese stick and I am lucky that I can drink milk so I do a lot of milk to get my protein.  I called this other bariatric place because I was tired of the Unjury protein shakes and was able to get protein soups, hot chocolate and cappuccino.  All have 15g of protein a piece low sugar and no caffeine.  I also do the creamy chicken campbells soup to go.  It only has 3g of protein but it helps me get some food in and calories in.  Out of curiosity have you struggled a lot since you had surgery?  I really am still not feeling the greatest after surgery.  Now that I am getting the extra calories though I have a little more energy.  Today was the first day out of the whole time that I actually felt a little normal.  Nothing tastes good to me.  I really don't want to eat anything. but I make myself for sure.

on 12/18/14 8:50 am

I definitely struggled with this surgery.   In 07 I got the lap band and it slipped.  Had revisional surgery 2012 with a plication.   That was a disaster bc it caused gastroparisis and dysmotility.  I couldn't really eat and wasn't digesting food.  So the only solution to that was to get the bypass.   Like you today was the first day I could get up and out without narcotics.   I am still in discomfort. The pain was excruciating with this surgery.  I just had some chili and so far I'm ok.  I'm waiting the hour before I lay down bc I'm tired.

I don't feel that I have much energy. I get tired easily but since I'm not able to hold anything down I guess it's expected. I am taking my chewable vitamins faithfully. Went to the dr and they told me it's very important to get my 6 to 8 glasses of water and to drink propel so I won't dehydrate. I have pain on the left upper quadrant of my stomach and goes along the side of my back.  Dr said give it another 2 weeks bc there is a nerve there.  My surgery was complex bc my stomach nerves were shot they had to do a sleeve and a bypass.  I got a two for 1. I must say I have suffered.  But it is a relief to have the band out of my body.

Stay positive. . This will pass..

I have lost 20 pounds so far.

on 12/18/14 10:10 am

So you have back pain too.  I am really struggling with back pain.  It is all in my lower back. It has hurt non stop since surgery.  Did the doctor say that was normal?  I am glad I am not the only one having a hard time with food.  I felt like I was the only one.  I have been very discouraged to say the least.  I think if I wasn't so tried and exhausted and sore I would feel a lot better about it all.  I really hate making myself drink and eat.  I love water so I have no problem with that. 

I hope we both do good and six months from now I hope we can be feeling at our best.  So sorry you went through all that.  Keep me posted on your food progress.  Maybe we can draw ideas from each other since we are both struggling.  I will add you as a friend so you can message me if you like.  It is always good to have someone to talk to with the same issues. 

on 12/18/14 10:20 am

Yes I have alot of back pain.  Dr said it's normal bc of some nerve that is in the area.  She said give it another 2 weeks.  They gave me tramadol for the pain. It is helping. And it could be gas too.  Like you I thought I was the only one going through this.  I am glad for this forum meet people who have similar experiences.  I have gotten good advice as well.  From what I have gathered if you can tolerate foods. Revert back to liquids and slowly introduce foods.  Eggs also seem to be a problem.  It can take a long while before you can tolerate it.

Oh please definitely add me and we can keep each other posted. 

I am truly hoping this will pass because I don't want to go back to work under these conditions.  


on 12/19/14 7:41 pm

I am only a week out but I couldn't tolerate much of the soft everyone has been ssaying to try creme caramel and that was a disaster ...I guess the sugar in it...I also tried the ricotta cheese and I have pain...I tried the oatmeal and some warm milk and it was ok...thanks god...

And yes I still have pain in my Lower back and that part of the stomach where they pulled the drain out. ..but the pain killers help...I can't wait until it is healed....


on 12/20/14 3:00 am

Stay away from sugars.   Cream of wheat is good.  However you need to get your protein in. Good luck.  As days go by the pain will diminish. .wish you a speedy recovery. 

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