Community Goals

get back on track and lose the regained weight and finally reach my true goal.

I want to do this


Actively engage on, get referral for dietician.


I went to the Doctor recently and found I've regained about 80lbs in the last 3 years or so. I'm trying to get back to the lowest weight I was when I still thought I was extremely over weight.

Diane K.

1) remember what it felt like to be critical with BP 195/145 2) determination to fit back in to a plane seat without the seat belt extender (traveling in November)


I have joined weight watchers to lose the 35 pounds that I regained.


I need new motivation...since turning 42 this August, noticing a drastic change in my body...want to start back on track get these 20 lbs or reGain OFF of me!!!! How many carbs should I take in??


I want to re-start my eating after gaining weight after VSG and having a baby.


I will go back to the basics set immediately after surgery

Tammi H.

regained again, will lose again, motivated to get into wedding dress by Feb 2015


slow and steady will win this race. went through too much to quit now.


I am excited to get back on track and reach my weight loss goals.


Today I cleaned out my fridge getting rid of all the bad carbs. Making healthy meals tomorrow


Lost 122 pounds after surgery in 2005. And I have gained 60 lbs back .


up my protein uptake and lose the 20 lb. I regained.


I have regained 20 pounds after 3 and a half years and need to get it off before Spring!

ericia S.

i gained 30lbs i want to lose it again and 20more to truly be an healthy weight.

Diane L.

It will require alot of self control and effort on my part!

Crystal J.

determined to get back on track and get in better shape!

Jennifer M.

I had RNY 10/25/06. I got very close to my goal weight for me but the lbs. have been creeping back.
