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Jan. Topic: Goals and How to Achieve Them

posted 2/6/09 7:48 am
We started the meeting with a song, "I am Changing" sung by Jennifer Hudson in Dreamgirls.  This is a powerful and moving song that reminds me that I am not in this alone.  I chose this song to be the anthem of the group.  If you would like the lyrics I would be happy to send them to you.  The next item was the Quote of the Month.

Jan. Quote of the Month
"Life is what you make it"
No one is responsible for your happiness, sadness or success.  No one but you. Yes, you!  The day you take complete responsibility for yourself and your choices is the day you start a journey toward grand personal fulfillment.  You're the only one that lives your life.  Believe it or not, you do have the power to succeed at anything you choose.  The strength to fulfill your dreams is within you, at this very moment.  Accepting responsibility without excuses, frees your power to achieve.  You can do it.  So, do it today!

We then went around the room discussing every ones goals and plans.  As part of the Agenda we wanted to give people some examples of goal planning techniques.  Tawnya shared with us a great storyboarding technique and I shared my tools I found in a great book  "Me: Five Years From Now, The Life-Planning Book You Write Yourself" by Sheree Bykofsky.  We then gave out some links to websites with other goal planning techniques (I will be happy to share with anyone interested just let me know).  Everyone was then challenged to go home and WRITE out their goals and come up with a plan to achieve them.  We concluded by discussing the next meetings dates and topic and upcoming Texas Message Board events.  A very informative and successful group meeting.  If there is more information you would like to discuss or if you have a question feel free to post a discussion and we all can answer and chat!!!!
Next months topic is Workout planning and goals lead by my co-leader Tawnya Hendricks and there might just be a surprise in store for those that make the Sunday meeting!

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