Almost a month out

Aug 16, 2010

Well, we lived through the surgery, and were very happy with our surgeon and his team. Dustin and I have both had a fairly easy time post-op, though I was nauseous for about the first week. Now, we're learning how to eat again, and really keeping track of our fluids and protein. 

It's strange to only be able to eat a fraction of what I used to eat, and I still find myself wanting things I used to eat (like pizza and cookies, ugh!). I guess they didn't cut out my brain, just my stomach. As far as actual hunger goes, I haven't had any. Some days I have to force myself to eat, because sometimes eating is uncomfortable. I measure out all my food, and I can usually eat about 3 oz. of soft food at a time. We will be able to start normal foods this upcoming Friday, so we'll have more variety in our lives. 

I'm glad we had this done, but I'm also driving myself crazy because I feel like I'm not losing fast enough. Dustin has hidden the scale from me (and himself, really) because we were weighing every day, and I was just feeling down with not losing every day. I just feel like if I'm eating 400-600 calories a day, I should see a difference! So, the hidden scale is a blessing; we'll be weighing in at our one month post-op date, and doing measurements. I know I've lost 20 lbs. this month (before we hid the scale!), so I am hoping for a total of 24 for the month. I guess we'll see!

Dustin and I celebrate our 8 year anniversary tomorrow; we don't have much planned at all, since we both have to work. We did go fishing over the weekend, which is my idea of fun anyway :)


About Me
Salina, KS
Surgery Date
May 28, 2010
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