Feeling pretty Spiffy!!

Sep 21, 2011

I'm feeling pretty darn good about myself...I walked 1 1/2 mile last night (it was 80 degrees at 7:30 pm).  I figured if I started the walking and exercise over the weekend with my daughter I should just keep it going.  I am also trying to get more calories in.  I'm getting my protein in and I'm taking my vitamins (although I hate, hate, hate, my calcium chewable, they taste like chalk).  I am still a bottle short on my water but I'm working on it.  Now that I drink thru a straw it is a little easier.

Haven't found ANYTHING to eat that really excites me.  Still don't have much of an appetite (this is my 6th wk).  I keep trying different recipes but I guess food just doesn't mean the same to me anymore.  I am no longer “morbidly obese” I am now just “obese”. My BMI has gone from 42 to 35.9.

You know I have always had a block at 220 pounds.  I guess it was just mental .  I'm not sure what the fear was but that has now been blown all to hell...and I AM CLAIMING IT!!  I am down from 270 to 212 as of this morning.  I would like to get some counseling but our WLS psychiatrist say oh no that isn't necessary you have the support groups.  Well, somehow I don't think the support groups are going to want to talk about my personal fears.  Are there a lot of you out there that are seeing an counselor after your WLS?

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Apr 21, 2011
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