3 months post op

Jan 09, 2010

Wow.. I'm a little late, but happy new year everyone!!!  I hope everyone is happy and blessed.

It's been a while since I have been here.  Mainly because even though I should not, I seem to still get discouraged about my weight at times...   It's odd how my weight stalls out for about 3 weeks and then moves.... stalls some more and then move.. but nevertheless.. I AM BLESSED! 

But I am half way to my goal and that's more then something to be excited about.  When I started this process on May 1st, I weighed in at 338. The morning of my surgery, I was 314. As of this morning, 251! 87 pounds since May 1st and a whopping 63 of them are post op!  Again I say.. I am BLESSED.   My BMI is finally under 40.  I was surprised.  I still have a lot of work to do but I am feeling so much better about me and I am actually starting to feel beautiful again. 

I, also have to admit that I haven't been working out quite as much as I should be..   I need to get my @ss in gear.... not to make excuses for myself but it's tough with my schedule.  I work from 9pm to 7am..  Spend an hour in traffic...  Pick Ari & Kayla up from the sitters... Drop Ari off at school..   Make it home at about 8:30 am..  Get Kayla breakfast...  and spend time with her..   Wondering when I sleep? lol So am I!!  It's tough.. but that's the life of being a single parent..  I am certainly open to suggestions about how to get a work out in more. I know that I need to and honestly, it's not laziness... It's lack of time/energy/hours or minutes in the day...  Things will get better...

Anyhow, here's a few updated pics. I'd still like to think I'm doing pretty good.  :) 


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About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 12, 2009
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