
Mar 18, 2013


I am off to a not so good start with trying to lose this 20 lbs, but at least I did not drink any soda and I only had 1 8oz glass of juice! I have been drinking water all day. I really have got to get in control of this because I have to lose the weight before My surgery can even be scheduled. I haven't been stuffing myself but I haven't ate anything exactly healthy. See that's my problem I need fruits and veggies!!! I know I can so this. 

Now as exercise goes me and zumba on the Wii OH MY !!! It is a little much for me, but I will try it again. SO ladies does anyone use SEX as a workout? (yes you read correctly)I'm saying if you do all the work.


*~ something else on my mind ~*

I am having such a hard time finding a job! The job I desire should I say, I've found a CNA job its in home which doesn't pay anything I go to orientation Thursday.....*sigh* the problem with that is I just went to school to be a CMA I got my certification by the NHA and I swear no one is hiring me... I've had a total of three interviews for Certified Medical Assistant... I'm so frustrated because I feel like I'm going backwards instead of moving forward. 


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Mar 08, 2013
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