Got pre-op blood work today!

Dec 08, 2009

Well, today I went to my pcp to for a follow-up visit pertaining to my diabetes. My sugar has been running high for the past few days. Yesterday it was up to 480. Today, my fasting glucose was 381.  This is all the more reason for me to have the surgery. I also have a little infection from a cyst in my groin area.  Too much stress and too many medications is what I believe is causing all of this stuff.  Plus, I started the pain patch last night as well. 

Anyway, I got my pre-op physical and blood work done today.  Surprisingly, the nurse only had to stick me twice to try to draw blood. Usually, it takes them about 4 or 5 times!!  So now, I am on my way.  


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Nov 04, 2009
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