Day 3 post-op

Jun 10, 2011

I am starting to feel a little bit more positive about my experience.  They kept me one extra day i the hospital and I think that helped.  I was just so tired and I couldn't wake myself up.  The pain was pretty intense in the hospital and getting I know I just needed another day on i.v. pain meds.  Yesterday they switched me back to oral meds and I am tolerating those better.  I went home yesterday around 3pm.

I feel a lot of gas rumbling around in my intestines but not much has come out yet.  The nurse told me that once I got it out of me that I would feel a lot better.  The hardest thing that I am struggling with is the drinking every 15 minutes.  It seems like a lot and the alarm is getting kind of annoying :P  Another thing is I'm not sure how to tell if I am feeling full.

Last night I did have an unpleasant feeling around 8pm and I think I may have felt full at that point so I did take the Levsin and the Roxicet pain medication that the Dr prescribed me.  Within a half hour I was feeling a lot better.

I'm at my mom's house recovering and it has been nice to have someone to help me with anything I need.  I plan on going for a walk this afternoon or just trying to up my walking inside the house.  They weighed me in the hospital the day after surgery and I was up 2.5 lbs.  That was sort of disappointing especially since I had only sipped a few times but the nurse said that was normal and some people would even gain 10-15lbs just from all of the fluids that they pump and all of the gas inside you.  I don't have my scale here at my  moms, it is at my house but I will see if I can weigh myself tomorrow and see what it says.

It is getting easier as time goes on.  I do feel somewhat hungry.  But maybe its not real hunger, maybe it is just thirst.  My stomach has been growly a little bit.  So far I have had diluted propel water, plain water, diluted apple juice and sugar free lime jello and chicken broth.


About Me
Blaine, MN
Surgery Date
May 16, 2011
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