The Weighting Game

Feb 09, 2010

*Jeopardy music*

Still waiting on insurance approval.  I am definitely not a patient person, but know I qualify on weight alone.  So I'm just a tad anxious to make sure I have the green light.  I have my sleep study this weekend--fun way to spend Valentine's and Mardi Gras weekend, huh?  LOL   OH WELL....a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!

My other anxieties and fears have subsided for the mean time and I am slowly getting used to the idea of bypass.  I'm also getting excited about the future!  (That's a good thing for a depress-o-matic like me!)  Coming to terms with the fact that in a year I will no longer be over weight.  I will be healthy.  I will look different.  I will FEEL different.  Amazing.  I look at people's before and after's and think, "wow, that will be me...."  

I have been heavy and over weight almost my entire life, and that is something I've learned to live with and accept.  I hope I learn to deal with the "new" me in a good way.  Do I define myself and life over my weight?  NO.  I have a ton a friends and am very outgoing when I'm not too depressed.  So hopefully I'll still be me, but a healthier version of myself.  I'm looking forward to not aching when I wake up in the morning, hopefully getting off my asthma inhalers, running a mile and then a 5K and feeling good about how I look. 



About Me
Surgery Date
Nov 09, 2009
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