
Question of the Week...Wheat Germ????

Sep 28, 2010

A question many of us might be wondering: 

Hi Annessa! What is toasted wheat germ and what does it do for you? I'm wanting to include it in my intake but have no idea how, nor what it does for me!  Can you help? 
Wheat germ-wanderer 

Great question! Wheat germ has probably always been in the cereal aisle for most of us, we've just never noticed him.  Remember, the sneaky people who put together the cereal aisle:  all of the sugary cereals with bright creepy characters are at eye level and below, then the more healthful items - such as wheat germ or steel cut oats and such - are typically WAY up high.  You can buy "toasted wheat germ" in a jar, and after you open it you need to keep it in the fridge. 

So, what exactly IS it? Well, it's the baby heart (so to speak) of a wheat berry.  When white flour is made, the outside BRAN of the wheatberry and the inside GERM are both removed.  --leaving us with the starchy white portion, and almost no nutrients, and NO FIBER!  (Truly a crime!)  Well, they've bottled that "germ"- packed with nutrients, vitamin E, folic acid, and healthy fats.  You would basically use a Tablespoon or so at a time.  It can be sprinkled on top of oatmeal or into smoothies (gives them that nice gritty texture I LOVE).  I use it on top of my healthy casseroles, or in a sugar-free warm maple apple crisp recipe I've created (there's an entire 1/2 cup in that!  You'll have to get that recipe through the second Flourish video & recipebook :)  I also use it even on salads at times!  ...or sprinkled into yogurt.   Just another way to get in some GREAT nutrients, fiber, and healthy fats.  Gives a good shiny coat!  

Vitamin E is good for the skin!  One stroll down the cosmetic aisle, and you'd know that because it's in every product!  Works on the inside, as well as the outside.... Although, I'd recommend keeping wheat germ to the inside:) 

Mission for the week:  pick up some wheat germ, bring home, and USE IT!  Then, let Annessa know what you came up with so she can share it with others!  

May all your white flour turn into wheat germ, 

Facebook:  Flourish! Fanpage 

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