Atl_Gadget_Grrl but u can call me Charlotte

Post op life, Day 9

Jun 21, 2013

Life continues to just roll on along.

As of this morning, I was just over 26 pounds down from the start of my preop diet; 11 lbs down from surgery (including gaining and relosing my 9lb hospital spike). The past couple of days have been 2-3 pound losses each day. I don't know if I see a difference yet, but I am starting to feel one. This morning, I was complaining to my daughter that my underwear felt like it kept sliding down. And yesterday, I wore a pair of shorts that were uncomfortably tight on me prior to surgery, but yesterday felt fine. I seem to be losing from my legs, butt, arms, but not belly so much yet. I expected that so I am not concerned.

Food and nutrition: this morning I had a premier protein shake with minimal stomach rumbling. I take this as a sign that my sleeve is settling down and getting me ready for full liquids. I can see the value of this slow diet progression. Daily, I've been getting in my 64+ oz of liquids, and they're going down pretty easily. The protein continues to be the challenge. It is slow going when I drink that. My tummy rumbles and sometimes I need to head for the bathroom shortly thereafter. It is better than it was when I was drinking milk, but it can still be uncomfortable. I KNOW I would not have been able to handle a premier protein last week, so I am pleased it was uneventful today.

I have needed to do minimal dragon-slaying with the head hunger/cravings. Every so often one pops up, but in general, I have been able to get it to go away by swapping in something else. For example, I took my daughter to the mall and was wound up in the food court looking for won ton soup. I was DYING for a hot pretzel, but I managed to appease the monster by getting some jasmine tea. Funny how that works. I continue not to feel hungry per se, but occasionally my stomach rumbles when it's been a while since i have eaten or drank anything.  

Remember that rash I mentioned in the last post? Well, it went viral and covered my front and back. I called the doctor and they told me I could take liquid benadryl. I took that two nights in a row and it started to clear up. I also removed 3/4 of my steristrips - one of them was REALLY inflamed all around it - and covered them with band aids that I don't react to. One of the areas opened back up a fair amount (eek). The incision in my belly button is cranky, too, feeling that it grabs or stretches or something whenever I change positions in bed. I am also feeling crankiness on the inside, left side of my abdomen, above my incisions. From what I have read about others, this is a normal step in healing. So, I will just wear the binder if I'm scheduled to be out and about. I was in enough pain from the belly button incision last night that I took pain meds and wondered, briefly, why it was that I have done all of this. I felt better this morning, though.

As for telling others, I still waver. My boss' wife brought dinner over last night (for the rest of the family), and she was strongly hinting that she did not know what the surgery was for. I told her, yes, I really didn't share that information around at work. She graciously took the hint and dropped the line of questioning. I was dumb and accidentally shared the surgery information with a text message distro that included a colleague. That's when I was still on pain meds last Friday. I texted her and asked her to respect my privacy. I may tell people eventually, but I was reading comments this am on NPR's facebook page about obesity being considered a disease, and the hatefulness of the comments I read there made me feel ok with not telling anyone outside of a close circle of friends and family.

Behavioral change: I am finding that I no longer leave the house without some form of protein and 2 bottles of water. How quickly that has become habit. Spending the night away tonight - taking my daughter and her friends to a concert and getting a hotel afterwards to limit driving and commotion at the late hour. I am sure I will be fine.


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Nov 29, 2007
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