Atl_Gadget_Grrl but u can call me Charlotte

Post Op Life, day 20

Jul 02, 2013

My 2 week checkup went really well. They say I am ahead of where they would expect me to be. I am fully anticipating a slowdown at some point.

I'm midpoint on the full liquids and enjoying this marginally better than thins. I have found a variety of interesting soups. If they are chunky, I pop them into the magic bullet blender and I'm good to go. I am really looking forward to purees, as odd as that sounds. Hummus! Refried beans! Cottage cheese! I will be a happy camper.

I've tolerated just about everything I have tried except for a chicken tortilla soup. I wish I could put into words how I know if something isn't going to work, but I just know. 

Given that the 4th is this week and I adore cookouts, I cannot get hot dogs and beans out of my mind. I have such a taste for them. I have been perusing full liquid recipes and so I might try a hot dog and bean soup for the 4th that I found. Sounds gross, right? I bet it would be delicious. The magic bullet may really come in handy here. For about the past week, I am feeling a "gee, maybe I should see what's to eat" feeling - a hollowness, sort of, not really hunger. I am on Prilosec so I don't think it is acid. Stomach is definitely not growling. After a few bites of whatever I am eating, especially if I have eaten it too fast, I feel a "that's cool, I don't feel the need to have any more of that now." I don't think it is anything like restriction. It's more a satiety. It will be interesting to see how this feeling matures/changes over the upcoming weeks.

My brain is back ON. I rarely take naps and when I do, it is from boredom. Boredom is ever present but ADD me can't buckle down long enough to get any of my to-do list done, although I am chipping away at it. Physically, it takes surprisingly little to completely exhaust me. I did some grocery shopping with the family last night. Just walking around the store - not directing the trip, not pushing the cart, and I was wiped by the time I got home. I am trying to arrange things to work from home starting next week. Have to make sure the insurance hurdles are passed.

Physically, I'm healing really well, I think. The 3 smaller incisions are pretty much healed. The one in my belly button is still pink/scabbed and feels "grabby" from time to time.  Restrictions continue until week 6: 25# lifting restriction, no exercise except for flat surface walking, no twisting, stretching, or bending, and no swimming. They say at my next check in, I will be cleared for kickboxing. Um, no thanks.

I am on my second period of no loss. Last week, for 4 days, I was stuck at 230ish, trading the same 5 oz back and forth each day. I broke through and got down to 227. Now, today, I am up 8 oz from yesterday. Not sure if this is the dreaded 3 week stall or not. Time will tell. Still trying to learn my pattern. When I'm losing, I am losing a pound per day which is mind boggling. If it gets to the point that it bugs me too much, I will stop weighing every day.

My measurements are smaller too. I measured yesterday and have lost a total of 12 inches in a month's time:

waist -2.5

neck -1.5

bicep -4.5 (WOW!! Thanks to Matt's arm workouts pre-surgery, I think!)

hip -2

thigh -1

calf -.5


All in all, no regrets whatsoever so far. 


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Nov 29, 2007
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