This is HARDEST period yet!!

Mar 07, 2010

Another month down. Not losing and for most part maintaining.(give or take 4-5 lbs). Wish my body was still feeling and acting like when I was 6 months out. Looking back...those early days were sooooooo easy.

Saw Dashboard Confessional and Bon jovi last night. Hey...I liked Dashboard...gonna have more music to add to my iPOD now. Jon RAWKED Vegas!!!! Had so much fun with Dana(my WLS sista) and Brittany(hopefully will be my DIL one day) and her friend Macela. Now theres competition. Britt and Marcela think Jon is HAWT too!!!!! LOL

So on a positive note....I am making it my business to use the gym whenever I get a free moment. yesterday I did 1.75 miles on treadmill and 1 mile on both bike and elliptical. But...the snacking is waaaaay out of control. OK I admit....I am working on it and have made slight progress BUT I need to focus more on cutting snacking down/out.

Still missing my BFF,Ashley but she has been sounding more like herself this past week.  : )  : )  : )  And remember,Ash, don't let the LOSERS get over on you. Remember...KARMA!!!!!! Hope you enjoyed the mini Bon Jovi concert last nite.

And to end...can i just say...I HATE this time of year because of...those Girl Scouts and their DAMN cookies which I can't EVER say "NO" to.

