Wow...I'm ignoring my blog

Jun 07, 2010

Seriously...I hadn't realized it's been more than a month since I last posted.
Bad Barb(slapping my own hands)

I've been struggling tremendously especially the past 2 weeks. Something very traumatic happened at work. While I didn't think I was affected...Ron informed me 5 days after the incident that I had been eating like CRAP!!!!! OMG!!!!!
And yes...I don't like the way some clothes fit recently...too tight. Back to BASICS...FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS.

I have been more conscious of things since Ron pointed it out. Taking it one day at a time; one hour at a time. I will be stronger than the cravings/bad eating habits. I've come too far to crash and burn now.

OK...some positive fave protein drink...the company ROCKS!!!!!!!! They sent me lots of samples for my support group meeting on June 19th and the cutest little black bling tee shirt for me. Now that's AWESOME customer service. I took one look at the size small tee and said..."yea...NEVER in this lifetime will that teeney thing EVER fit me.
Guess what...wearing it as I type this. WOOHOO!!!!!!!

My workouts have been nonexistent and that is NOT good. So yes...I must recommit to exercise for like the billionth time.

Glad that I still come to OH and still love the support I receive here from my OH family. Couldn't have gotten this far and know that the support is here to get me back on track.

