Aug 06, 2010


Yep, sad but true, but the time came for my weight loss to stop :( At first I thought it was just another stall.... a long one granted..... but two months??  It was time to take affirmative action!


Yep, I haven't gone for a run since I used to weigh 112kg or so!  (about 250lbs). I had been very naughty going this long (9 months) since surgery with no form of intentional exercise.... And at my two month stall I feel I paid the price!  Anyway!  I decided I needed to start running agin!  Now, last time I ran was before surgery and I used to manage about a 50 metre sprint before I had to walk and recover!  This time, post-op, my FIRST run at 73kg (160lbs), my first sprint lasted 1.5km!  Holy cow I nearly died from shock!!!

I wondered if I would feel a difference running without all that weight. I mean, it's logical that I would, but I figured I was probably still as unfit as before, and thus would still struggle... NOPE!  What a feeling!  So now I am running 3-5 times a week, 3km a go!  I can run over 50% of it (I still have to do sporadic walks to let my body recover! haha)  But it feels so good!

And here's the best news..... THE SCALES FINALLY MOVED!  I have been looking at those scales telling me 73kg for soooooo long, I never thought I'd see 72kg... E-V-E-R!  Today I got that magical number! It ain't much, but it's moving and it's moving in the right friggen direction! 

Hard part about running:  Running in public :( It's hard. When I ran pre-weight loss, I had a few instances of idiots in cars driving past and yelling stuff at me.... Well, when I say idiots, I mean men. "Nice titts!" and other lovely comments.  You know, you can lose ALL the weight in the world, but it doesn't mean your head will catch up, does it? 9 months and I still feel fat in my head. I wanna run in the afternoon, but I can't because I'm so stressed about the cars driving past and their occupants thinking:  "Oh my god! Look at her fat ass! She shouldn't be running in public!" Or something along those lines. Mum tells me I'm being silly and I don't have a fat ass anymore, but I honestly don't see that. 

Anyway, so because of this fear of being seen running in public, I run at night. Which worries my family, you know, young female running around the dark streets at night. :( I wish I had an invisibility cloak! That would solve all my problems ;)

Hope everyone is doing well!


Bowling with my man :)
A night out bowling with my man :)


About Me
Brisbane, XX
Surgery Date
Sep 23, 2009
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