June 10, 2012 Six months post-op

Jun 10, 2012

Well its been a while since I have blogged...probably moreso due to laziness lol...Alot has gone on during the past 6 months since surgery and well I am having my up and down moments physically and emotionally.  As of today I have lost 97 lbs and over 45 inches overall.  I am happy with that but OMG I have this huge belly roll of fat and bat wings that could carry me to and from Atlanta airport and back lol.  The weight loss has been good but with the existing fat and skin hanging its causing problems with my back and tailbone...its getting more and more difficult to sit for any period of time without my tailbone feeling like its coming through the skin..

I have been dealing with the loss of my sister to throat and neck cancer on March 26 of this year...it came on faster than we had expected but none the less I miss her terribly but glad she no longer has to suffer with the pain of it all.  Immediately after her passing my best friends brother, also a friend of my sisters and school mate died a few weeks later from cancer.  My sister and him both were in chemo and radiation together in the beginning...just so sad as they were both 44 years of age and so much to live for.  Then I lost another 2 friends within that same month.  So in a 4 week period I lost 4 people close to me..not exciting I tell ya.  On the brighter side of things my BF and I became engaged.  I had so hoped my sister would be able to attend my wedding but well that will have to remain with her being there in spirit. 

My emotional state has been so upside down...dealing with family issues and my fiance and I struggling to make it month to month financially...its just been way stressful to say the least even to the point I have several times just wanted to run away from everyone and everything..but alas I am still here lol....

While taking care of my sister and my health I have not been back to the gym and gotten in my workouts like I should have and miss it terribly at times but because of finances just don't have the gas money to drive my gas guzzler to and from the gym daily so going to have to find things I can do here at home to try to help my progression with weight loss and building up my muscles and strenght.

Waiting on my disabiliy hearing at the end of this month so praying to God that it goes ok...I have not bee able to work since I become sick in 2006 with my fibromyalgia and lupus and not to mention the weight gain and problems with that on top of the depression...and with not being able to work brings on all kinds of stresses on ones wellbeing.  Anyways thought I would just do this blog if nothing else to keep up to date notes for myself to reflect on...


About Me
Murphy, NC
Dec 20, 2011
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