Just made the decison

Jun 05, 2010

Just made the decision to do the lap band and I have approval from my insurance company that the procedure is covered, however I am not so sure why ( on alot of things ) I have to do so much paperwork?  A psychogical exam? I believe I have all the necessary approvals, even from my main PCP. Why such a long road to surgery?? More whining later.

I am inspired, however,  by the many, many postings I have seen so far.  Both positive and negative, but mostly positive.  Everyone has given me insight to many things that I wondered what would happen.  Even fears of mine are a bit abated through these writings.

My main fear..........yes, Not being able to eat, and excepting that as a life change FOR GOOD.  These days before my upcoming surgery are filled with, " well, it looks like I am not going to be able to eat that either" as I go from meal to meal.

Home do you overcome that??  Simple mind over matter or is it as I have read, You just don't feel like eating at all, or as much.  Does this really change your brain's control of your eating?? 

I am anxious to do this and with some reservation, but I have started the paperwork, and this blog with hopes of not only helping myself, but maybe helping some else make the decision too.


About Me
Colorado City, TX
Surgery Date
Jun 05, 2010
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