Funny how you move on...

Jul 25, 2011

I haven't updated as well as I should have. I meant to keep my profile updated at least yearly. It's funny how you move on to other things so quickly after surgery.

As for an update, I am four years post op as of yesterday. A lot of things have happened. A pregnancy, nursing an infant, weaning, school kids and the things that brings. In total, I have lost nearly 200 lbs. Some days I have! I go up a couple of pounds and down a few here and there. Right now I'm hovering around 142 lbs. My doctor's goal was 145 lbs. When I hit it, I emailed his office and expressed my shock! I remember laughing when the nutritionist  seriously suggested that as my goal with a straight face and a very serious attitude.  I told her that I would be ecstatic with a healthy 200 lbs and if I hit 175 lbs, I'd cry! 

For someone who started out obese from a young age, I have not been this size since second grade or so! Shopping has been an experience. For some reason, I feel like everyone is staring at the fat girl when I go into shops with regular sizes, especially when I visit the intimates section. It is incredibly silly, but still a hang up. It wasn't something I considered an issue before! I also find I don't know how to properly put together outfits. Before it was jeans and tshirts, extra baggy tshirts! Not any more! The shirts have to fit or I am uncomfortable. Another funny thing to have change.

I still worry constantly that things will change and that I will have to struggle with weight gain. So far it has been relatively easy to maintain but I am not confident that age and such won't change that. I guess everyone lives with that constant fear at the back of their mind.

Overall, I am still very happy with my decision to have this surgery. Sometimes I get embarrassed when people ask me how I lost all of the weight. At first I didn't have much of a problem telling them I had surgery but now I pass it off and say things like, "Oh I just eat way less and watch what I eat much more closely!" which is the truth. Granted, if it is someone who I know is contemplation surgery or struggling with their own weight loss, I am honest. But the general public still looks down its nose. The easy way out, I get that a lot. Not so much anyone saying it, but you can see their demenor change and you know that's what they think. Funny thing is that I've had a couple of friends have the surgery and I think it has changed their minds. I always tell people, "It might look easy, and in some ways I guess it is, but it isn't all fun and games. There is a fair amount of work involved and I always deal with getting sick or dumping. Neither of which are pleasant experiences, friend!"

It has been fun though. I enjoy being thin, more than I thought I would. I love that my husband can pick me up and carry me around when he gets the inclination. I am having fun with my kids instead of dreading whatever activity because it would be hot and I'd be miserable or just plain unable to keep up. I marvel at my new body, the one that is thin and not like anything I've ever experienced, it's almost hilarious to me! One thing that I do not enjoy is being cold all the time. During a record breaking heat wave of 105*+ temps for nearly a month, I still get uncomfortable. Especially when going inside after being out for a moment. It would be silly to carry a jacket around with me, but the thought has certainly crossed my mind. It isn't unusual to find me in jeans instead of shorts and me be totally comfortable! Although, when I do finally get hot, it takes forever for me to stop feeling like I'm overheated. Such a weird thing but I will happily live with it!


About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 06, 2007
Member Since

Friends 13

Latest Blog 11
Almost 18 months post op
Doing well at 32 wks pregnant, Nine months post op!
Pregnancy update
How things have changed
Home and new perspectives
The one thing about coming to Mexico
Nearly 4 days post op
Our flight leaves...
Liquid diets and last minute thoughts
