NEW SURGERY DATE !!! 1/24/2011

Jan 20, 2011


After all this I get a call on Tuesday, 1/18/11 from the surgeon's office telling me they had a cancellation, and would I like to push surgery up from 2/15 to MONDAY ??  HECK YES !!! 

Except I have NO TIME to do anything --- it's crazy. 

The only drawback is that I am the last surgery at 3pm; but as long as the surgeon isn't too tired......

So it's a bit of a long drive out there, but it was a toss up between choosing the surgeon who was closer with a 3 month waiting list, or the surgeon who was 2 hours away with a month to one and a half months.  After jumping thorugh Kaiser's hoops for the past 10 months, all of a sudden I have my surgical consult, meet the surgeon on January 4th, and three weeks later.....Surgery !

At this point, I am not even nervous, I just have so much to do.  Because I am so far away the surgeon insists that his out of towner's stay local for 2 to 3 days post op, and then he takes the drain out, and you can go home.  So I have to make arraingements for a hotel, figure out who is taking me, who will pick me up, what my 18 year old daughter is going to do, if she is going with me, get in my pet sitter.....and figure out the logistics of my household, surgery, work......I'm exhausted already, and looking forward to surgery as a way to catch up on lost sleep !

The surgeon's office worked so fast.  They were calling me every hour it seemed like Tuesday after the call at 12:30, to get information, to give me information, to get me in touch with the calling for on the phone pre-admit....crazy !!! 

I've managed to pick up the things I will need for the hospital and hotel stay, with the exception of some protein drinks that I will grab tomorrow at lunch from the vitamin shoppe.   They even called in my post op meds to Kaiser, and I picked them up last night.  Did you know warm socks are a seasonal item ? And not carried after the After Christmas sales ? My sweet daughter found 2 pr on a clearance table at Walmart today and got them for me !  I had been to two Targets, Ross, and another Wallyworld.....

Got dr. office to fax me work release for surgery and recovery of 4 weeks.    I haven't had a month off I had surgery 3 years ago.  

I think it's great not to have too much time to ruminate about this.  I have made my decision, and I'm pretty settled about it.  Of course, I throughly expect to have periods of feeling like I did the wrong thing....but I know this will bring me better overall health, and long life. 

