In the Home Stretch (one of many)

Dec 07, 2013

I finally got used to the essentially no-carb pre-op diet, now for full liquids starting tomorrow until the NPO after midnight on the night before surgery. It was quite a stressful and emotional rollercoaster for the first few days, but I held on dearly to the few "free" items I was allowed such as sugar free Jello, chicken broth and Crystal Light. It became crystal clear through the last week exactly why I am fat. I ate to medicate myself and stuff down emotional discomfort far more than I knew. I have lost 10 lbs from my heaviest weight ever (just before I joined this group). I am feeling much more serene and blessed to have great family and friends who are supporting me through this process. My friend who is having the very same surgery in the next couple of months has been following the preop diet with me. I am so thankful for her, because without that help I might not have been so successful. I can honestly say I have not cheated once on the diet. Well, here we go - counting down the last few days until my VSG surgery. Praying for the very best outcome ever!


About Me
Edmond, OK
Nov 29, 2013
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