Week 25 Post Op

Nov 16, 2010

Loss this week:  -1.2lbs.
Total loss:  72lbs.

My wacky scale showed I gained all week until yesterday when I broke even, and a loss today!  So that was a well-appreciated revelation.  I wouldn't have been shocked if I gained from the stress alone.  I retook the GRE yesterday.  Aiyiyiyi...I didn't do poorly per se, but I can't seem to test well on the quantitative part.  I'm a math minor, for god's sake!  I know this stuff.  And yet I scored near the 70th percentile (690) whereas I scored 700 last time, and 700 is pretty much the benchmark for where you START to accept those GRE scores for Ph.D. programs.  So now I need to decide if I can do better (c'mon, surely I can!) and when to retake.  It'll have to be soon with admissions deadlines quickly approaching.  On the bright side, I scored in the 92nd percentile on verbal.  Woot woot!

Anyway, I've really been trying to trim my carbs this week...that was until last night.  It's all about progress, not perfection, my friends.  I also went for a (short) walk this morning.  The important thing is that I did it.  Sure it was only (nearly) a mile, but I did add a couple jogging jaunts, and it's more than I would do.  I'm going to do it tomorrow.  And the next day.  And hopefully it will become a habit.  

How's everyone feeling about Thanksgiving?  I keep forgetting that it's not going to be like it normally is.  Sometimes I approach food as a pre-op until it hits my lips.  I forget.  I have to admit that I love the holiday.  I love that my mom and sisters all get into the kitchen and make delicious foods the same way my great grandmother did.  I love the chaos!!  Of course I also love that it causes me to reflect on what I am thankful for, and I do have so much to be thankful for.  We'll see how it goes. 


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