

Nov 17, 2011

 So I've been in contact with Priority Health a lot lately!  Come too find I was denied!!!!   The are admit I have to do this 6 month diet Dr. supervised..... GRRRRR!  A girlfriend of mine from OH says I shouldn't give up and resubmit it... it's just so hard wanting, hoping, finally excited about something just to be snatched away like that... I'm just speechless!  Then come to find out PH never received my husbands paperwork to begin with....seriously?  So back to step 1 for the husband, and I don't know what I'm going to do :(

So I was searching through the board this morning and found a post we're someone else was denied, and someone posted this too her topic:

Think of it this way, if you had to spend a large sum of money for every one who asked you for money, but could get half of them to give up by telling them no, would you? Insurance is a business that is there to make money(or stay afloat with as much money as possible for the (lol) non profits). They will take any opportunity to discourage you and tell you no that they are given. That is why the appeal process is there. Follow it and if you meet the conditions of your policy, eventually it will be overturned. Don't give up."  

I love this quote and it's so very true if we think about it!  It gives me a glimmer of light to hold faith and keep fighting!!!

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About Me
Zeeland, MI
Surgery Date
Oct 21, 2007
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