Day 3...

Jun 03, 2014

Yea, yea, yea I know... Day 3 should've been back on May 10th or something right??  Well turns out day 3 never came.  May was an extremely bad month for me (as far as beverages go).  I don't know why I keep failing.  It's like I'm all gung ho and ready to get back in shape and healthy and then life happens/I get lazy and lose sight of what I'm trying to accomplish.  I'd like to say this time will be different, but I don't know that for sure.  All I can do is take it one day at a time.  I have found that boredom is my worst enemy.  When I get home from work all I do is sit on the couch and start drinking to "unwind".  All that unwinding has done me no good so I'm trying to do the opposite... 

Yesterday I woke up at 4:30 a.m. to do a couple of miles with my Leslie Sansone Walk Away the Pounds DVD.  All was going good until the stupid thing quit working mid- mile one.  I was pissed, but instead of going back to bed for 30 minutes (like I normally would've done), I made a pot of coffee, took a shower, and watched the news until it was time to get dressed for work.  After having a few extra minutes to leisurely drink coffee and having plenty of time to get dressed and gather my things for the work day I found that I actually LIKE getting up early.  Go figure...  Last night instead of stopping by the liquor store, I stopped by Walmart and bought a new DVD player so I could do my walking this morning.  Then I went home, got dressed and went to the gym for TWO hours!!  My friend and I walked on the treadmill, did the Arc Trainer and lifted weights then we did an hour Zumba class.  By the time I got home all I could think of was bath and bed.  So yesterday was a success! 

This morning... the alarm went off at 4:30 a.m.  I turned it off and attempted to go back to sleep, but somehow convinced myself that I'd regret it so I got up and did a mile with the DVD.  I only did a mile because my sweet hubby hooked the player up wrong and I had to fix it, therefore only having time to do a mile. 

Tonight's plan... I'm meeting my friend at the gym at 5:15 and we are going to do the Group Power class (weight lifting) and depending on how I feel I may do the 6:30 Zumba class.  I may be going to the extreme, but I don't want any spare time to get bored.

Since I haven't had any alcohol in 3 days my eating is a whole lot better.  I've been trying out the meatless thing since yesterday and I actually haven't missed meat.  I do eat eggs and get my protien in other ways so I'm not too worried about that.  I might not ever become a vegetarian, in fact I don't really have the desire to, but I may at least only have lean/organic red meat once a week.  We'll see... one day at a time.


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Mobile, AL
Surgery Date
Nov 26, 2007
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