Tuesday February 8th - 8 weeks out

Feb 09, 2011

Been a few weeks since last post...but other than getting out of hospital today...all has been going well...down to 268 last week...I seem to level off for 4-7 days at a time, then drop 2-4 pounds...and repeat....sometimes I bounce up and down 1-2 pounds during the 'plateau', but as long as downward progress happens, I'm good!

Saturday (2/5) I woke up w/teech chattering chills, every muscle in my bdy aching....and when I threw legs over the side of the bed...it hit me....my left leg was ON FIRE....another visit from my old friend Cellulitis...it's been laying low for 3 years (last flare up 12/07)...I had a feeling it was going to flare up this winter, but no warning....the little bitch does not really give good warning signs...LOL

I suspected due to cold weather & dry heat...therby giving me extra-dry skin...I try & moisturize everyday...but there are those mornings jumping out of the shower & late for work or home before bed too tired to 'lotion down', and those night waking up scratching....you know it's hard to tell w/us white folks when we're gettin ashy! All my ex's...it's so obvious when a black man is gettin ashy...I'd lotion them down myself!  Being a massage man myself...and having partners that require frequent moisturization...let's just say the end results are always mutually beneficial and satisfying...LOL (I need me a BF!)

I'm not going to weigh till next week as I'm sure I've added a few back being in the hospital & on IV's...adding all that extra damn fluid! Will post again 14th or 15th....


About Me
Providence, RI
Surgery Date
Aug 27, 2010
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