October 2010- 1 year and 8 months out

Oct 21, 2010

Hello OH Friends, its been so long since i have updated on my progress. I am currently in School for Border Services, I am doing the accelerated program which ones its a 2 year program which I am finishing in one year. I basically have no life and no time to do anything LOL I will be so happy when I am done in August 2011.
I currently am engaged to the most wonderful man ever, and we will be getting married August 20th 2011. I cannot wait to go dress shopping and start planning
I am truly Thankfull and Blessed for having this life changing surgery. i feel wonderful and have no regrets. I currently weigh 119 pounds and wear a size 4/6.
I hope everyone is doing well and please feel free to contact me with any questions.

