1/8/13 - It took me a week to figure this out

Aug 01, 2013

Well, it took a week of not so good eating, i.e. the peanut problem, but I put one and one together and came up with two.


The peanut problem and the six month blog posting.   They are connected.  Uh huh, yep, they are.

At six months I was crowding the 220 pound barrier.  220.4 pounds.   I haven't been in the two teens in 30 years.  Is it a scary transition?  I didn't think so, but apparently some part of me did.

So what did I do, when I was about to break through that milestone?   I ate peanuts, several days in a row, guaranteeing that at my weigh-in on July 29, I was up in body weight due to salt and water retention and pushed that 220 marker a wee bit further away.

Sheesh!  I'm 64 ... it took me a bit to put the two events together.  The six month post-op post, the 220 marker, and peanuts.  They fit.

Peanuts are gone, I'm expecting, but not counting on, a water weight whoosh, sooner rather than later.   If it's later rather than sooner, that's okay, too, because I've had somewhat of an understanding of my motivations.


