Easter Candy - food porn

Apr 18, 2011

Sigh....  Well Cadbury mini eggs are my FU***** Nemesis.  I had my surgery just after Halloween, then there was Christmas and Valentines Day; NO problems.  But Easter candy specifically the mini eggs are beyond YUM.  They are a complete "O" food for me.  The rest I can do with out.  But these I'm having trouble saying no to. 

 I try to avoid them but they keep showing up at the communal candy bowl at my office.  Which is right next to my cube, courtesy of my cube neighbor.  Office politics doesn't allow me to move said bowl.  I just have to Zen Yoga my way past the damn thing.  
Eventually, I have some .  And, Yes, I add it to my food log... I'm nothing if not accountable.  My food/head doc said be a conscious eater and allow myself the treat on occasions that way I don't over indulge and I don't feel guilt for it.  As guilt is a useless and paralyzing feeling which will lead me to feel like a failure and can be detrimental to my overall goals.

So a treat it is...  pop those little eggs one at  a time, roll that little sweetness around my tongue.  Crack the hard shells with my molars and suck off the shards.  Then just let that center melt it's ever loving bliss down my tongue.  Sigh.. I've got it bad.

Sigh.... 5 more days and they will be gone for another year.  I need strength!

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