where to begin...?

Feb 11, 2012

Its been now 7 months since joining the gym.  I've gone from 257 pounds to 184.  A size 24 to a 10.  I have lots of muscle definition in my arms and shoulders and I find myself staring at them in the mirror in disbelief.  What is different this time around, is that I can actually SEE the weight loss.  After my bypass, even at my smallest (175...so close!) I still saw myself as the 350 pound person I was.  I've been working my butt off at the gym, going in daily.  Our budget required me to give my trainer up as well as the weight loss class.  Thankfully the gym does offer a ton of free group classes.  I've been trying some out.  I did a cardio kickboxing class and REALLY enjoyed it!  I also joined with the gyms 90 day weight loss challenge.  I didn't do it to win by somehow losing a tremendous percentage of weight though.  At the end of the challenge, there is a 5k.  One of my resolutions to myself this year, was to complete a 5k (perferrably running/jogging the entire thing, but that just might have to come later).  It was a perfect opportunity and if I happen to lose my last 20-30 pounds, then so be it!  Its a win-win situation! 

I am beginning to research plastic surgery again.  Before my children came along, I was scheduled for a LBL and found out that my first child was coming the day BEFORE my surgery.  =P  My skin is horrible!  I'd say worse than it was before but thats what happeneds when you lose 200 pounds, gain back 150 and have 4 children, then turn around and lose it all again.  Speaking of my children, you would think that after having and breastfeeding all 4 of them, I'd have something to show for it at the end!  My chest muscles are now larger than my breasts and it makes me sadder than sad.  So I'm also looking into getting the twins done (hopefully at the same time as I'm not a fan of surgery in general).  The skin is beginning to get in my way of exercising but not terribly.  I want to jog more but I'm not.  I was jogging the other day and was happily listening to music in my own little world.  Heard a weird flapping sound (OVER the music) and it was my skin flapping against itself.  That grossed me out to no end.  So, instead I've been doing the elliptical for cardio since its a much smoother motion.

I want to try to check in more often on this site but can't promise anything!  Life is hectic with 4 kids and such.  =P


About Me
Wheeling, IL
May 27, 2008
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