2 months out from RNY I thought my scale was broken!

Jul 31, 2010

Hello everyone.  I got on the scale yesterday and I literally thought the scale was broken.  I lost 5 pounds all in the same day!  I had RNY on May 25th, the weight has steadily come off.  I was 286 way back in January, 271 on day of surgery and yesterday I was 215.  Holy Mackerel this is fun.  I only wish I had done it years ago.  My birthday is Sept 5th and I would dearly love to be under 200 pounds by then.  Wish me luck.  The weight loss is just happening seemingly no matter what I do.  I am sticking pretty darn close to exactly what they told me to eat and keeping the fluids separate from the meals and all that.  It so works.  Just so happy and wanted to share.  Wooooohooooo!!

