Getting Ready

Mar 29, 2010

Well, 1 week from today, I'll be switched!

I'm nervous some days more than others. I've had to tell a few more people just so they can help out at work while I'm gone and just in case I need more time.  I'm REALLY close to my co workers so I feel like its not a big deal. Even my work out fien teacher next door was supportive. I started out by telling her I knew she wouldn't approve, but... and she told me she did believe in it because she knows I have tried everything and she truly believes its genetic with some people. Wow, I didn't expect that.

Today was a union meeting with PIZZA.  I wasn't planning on even going but the girl I was going to lunch with wanted to stop in and listen a little. So I went and busied myself with making more copies and just stood in the back. Luckily, she didn't want to stay too long and we went to a cafe. My little heart was set on broccoli and cheese soup and they didn't have it today, they had a chicken noodle type soup, so I went with the chef salad. It was surprisingly really good and filling so I did well.

A little at a time, it my motto. I think it I start thinking about the fact I was be so far from home and with just my mom, I'll freak out, but I try to get things ready a little at a time. My poor grandmother in law said she wanted to watch the kids next Saturday so my husband and I can go out on a date. I panicked at first because I can't eat anything!! What would I do??  Of course, hubby was like "Oh well, you can watch me!", and I'm sure he is NOT kidding. lol.

I've lost a little weight and it feels good. I went to Sears yesterday and just walked around the 'regular' women's section. I can't believe in only six months I'll be able to fit in those.  I promised myself I wouldn't buy any clothes since I will get out of them so soon, but I caved and bought a pair of pajamas pants for the trip.  I don't think deep down I REALLY, TRULY believe this will work. But it will. I need to believe!

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