another step!

Nov 19, 2009

Another "to do" checked off my list! Yay!
I went to the information session last night. It was great- very informative. Although truthfully, I had already learned nearly everything they talked about the actual procedure here on OH. There was lots of good info about navigating thru their program though. Very helpful! The care coordinator, the surgeon, and the dietician who spoke to us were all great. They seemed very supportive and caring, but at the same time, they didn't sugar coat anything and let us know we're in for a lot of hard work. I wasn't scared off by it at all. It just got me really excited to start this process.

I feel so ready for this! I am so pumped to begin this adventure! I hate that the process is so long. Since I've made the decision to do this, I just want to do it NOW! Sounds like I need to wait 2 weeks just to get a call to make an appointment with the surgeon though.

The dietician said that pre surgery, we will have to go on a minimum 2 week liquid diet to shrink the liver. It could be more, depending on your weight. Since my weight was recorded just last week with my PCP I started a diet today! Yay me! I have been doing good at drinking my water too. I'm really glad I quit smoking this past summer so I don't have to pile that on the list of lifestyle changes!

Funny moment- last night my hubby Levi dropped me off in front of the auditorium instead of trying to navigate the parking garage. (We are so not big city people!) I had never been in that building before, so I was worried I wouldn't be able to find my way. I chuckled to myself when I saw a bunch of plump people such as myself all converged together. This must be the place! I so badly wanted to say, "So, is this the anorexics' support group?", but I didn't want to risk being stoned to death. : )

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About Me
Grand Coulee, WA
Surgery Date
Oct 12, 2008
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