9 more days

Oct 23, 2011

WOW!!!  The calander is counting down.  Surgery date is almost here.  I suppose its natural to be scared and excited all at the same time.  I am so excited about being healthy.  All the years I spent trying to loose weight by eating right and exercising.  Doing what I beleived was correct.  In a few days I will be on my way.

I had my sleep study and now I have been equiped with a c-pac machine, as I was diagnosed with sleep apnea.  So this shall pass with time as well after I start loosing weight and becoming healthier, same with my diabetes, high bllod pressure and high cholestrol.  I can say good bye to all in time.

A nurse lives next door to me and we were talking about the surgery.  She told me, "Remember, everyhting takes time.  You did not gain the weight over night and you will not loose it overnight.  Take each day one day at a time and do your very best you can that day and know you did your best and then start over again tomorrow knowing you will do even better."

I do not have any family around here, just me and mu husband, everyone else lives in IL and WI.  So my husband is deticated and determined to help me with my journey.  I do not know what I would do without him.  We have been married for 20 wonderful years and have 4 children and 2 beautiful granschildren.  He has and is a wonderful caring dad.

My life is about to change for the better for me.  I know it's going to be hard, and it will be well worth the the effort.

To everyone who will be having the bypass surgery soon, Good Luck on your endevors.  May your life be the best you have ever imagined.

To everyone who has had the bypass surgery God Speed to you and please teach us and give us your best tips and tidbits you know that will be great for us beginnning our journey.  Please share what did not work either, so we may all learn from your experiences as well. 

Take Care,

