Down to 16 hrs

Nov 01, 2011

I am so very excited.  I had my 2nd nutritionist appt before surgery, my pre-op evaluation, the only test that hurt was when they had to pierce my artery in my wrist to draw blood to test the oxygen.  It was worse than a wasp sting.  It was funny after the nurse was done being vampira, she says, Deb put pressure on your wrist as I had to go into your artery to get the blood and it will squirt out.  Well...wait a second, I wanted to see that!  I only seen that in movies, so i wanted to see if it was really true.  Let me tell ya IT IS!!! 

Now at 3pm I will see my surgeon and he will then decide the surgery will be open or laproscopic.  I hope for the latter, but I don't want to know.  I don't need to know right now anyway, cause I can't change the outcome.  So surprise me!  I will find out when I wake up.

So while at the hospital before the pre-op eval the nurse took me to the recovery room and showed me where I will come to from the operating room.  She also told me they have an entire floor dedicated to bariatric surgery, so thats nice that all the nurses will know exactly what we need and want.

So this is my plan.  Be at the hospital at 5:30am, prep at 6:30am and surgery at 7:30am.  **Hope I get a good cocktail prior** I figure I will be in my room by 9:30am and I would think by 5:30pm I should be able to get up and start walking lil baby steps from my bed to the door, then later from my bed to the outside of the door.  Then the next day, from my bed out the door and a few tiles down the hall and keep on taking baby steps until I am able to get down the hall and back (hopefully before I leave the hospital)

Home..well I have put my cream of chicken and cream of mushroom seperatly with milk in the blender, blened and chopped real good and placed in ice sube trays and froze so I do not waste an entire can of soup.  So when I am ready to have my few spoonfulls of soup I can pop a soup pop out of the ice cube tray and place in microwave.

I made sure my entire house is clean, laundry done, and everything picked up and put away.  My walk way in the house is about 300 feet from the bedroom to the foryer (maybe a little longer) so I have a walker from a previous knee surgery like 5 yrs ago, so I will use the walker to help me be steady on my feet for the 1st few days. Went shopping for my post op diet no reason to have to run to the store. 

Sounds like a plan, hopefully will stick to it.  I am so very excited!!!!!

15 hrs now  woohoo!!!!!!

Take Care,

