Life is great at 2 week post-op

Nov 14, 2011

WOW 2 weeks tomorrow post op.  Doesn't seem like it.  Time sure does go by fast.  I have healed up nicely, eating soft food.  Still still very small meals every 4 hrs, still 2 protein shakes a day until I find something else to replace the shakes. Walking alot, joined the gym today for the swimming pool and the water arobics.  Can't start until after my 3 week post-op appt to make sure everyting is ok.  Then Friday Nov 25 I'm jumping in!!

Life is getting better and better everyday.  I have lost quite a few pounds.  More inches though.  I fit into clothes I have not been able to get into for years.  This is so cool.  I am so glad I did this.  I hope everyone who does pursue the surgery have wonderful luck with it, just as I have had so far and hope this wonderful feeling continues forever.

Take Care,


