Its been awhile.....

Sep 23, 2012

Hello Journal,
It's been awhile since I last wrote to you.  I have been doing really good and keeping on track.  I swim in the summer at my neighboorhood pool.  I walk 5 days a week during my luncdh.  I have joined a hiking group and now am an event organizer.  I have ran a lot of 5k for different organizsations and fund raisers.  I enjoy running and now I have found a new passion....TENNIS!! Where I live, our country club has a tennis ball machine that tosses balls to me pver the net and makes me run up to the net, way back to the end of the court, to the left, to the right.  The cardio is great and works muscles I never knew I had in my hips, theighs, buttocks and legs.  It's a different type of soreness from running.  It makes me know I have "woken up" those dorment muscles.  I really enjoy the game and then more exercise comes in to play when I have to bend over and pick up all those balls that I hit back over the net. There is alot of bending over.  Calling on all sorts of muscles.  October I am back in the pool at the health club I go to.  I do not like working out on stationary machines, I need to be moving around.  A treadmill is not for me.  I'd rather walk/jog/run in the park, on a trail, with my dog.  I love life now and live each day like it was my last.
There are a few ladies who are very jealous of me and seem like they really hate me for some reason,  When I was sick and unhealthy they liked me, now that I got healthy and will not eat the bad foods that they eat they despise me for it I suppose.  I guess its like a person on drugs, their drug addicted frineds are happy they are around to enjoy the bad stuff, then when they decided to get clean and sober allf a sudden they dont want to be their friend anymore.  I dont need any negativity in my life when I am full of positive energy.  They should look to me as an inspiration.  I am in a size 10 now.  Do not know if I was ever in a size 10, am sure I was, however I do not remember it. I never wore makeup before, now I do not eave the house without looking fabulous.  I do not buy brand new clothes yet cause I am still loosing all kinds of weight which is ok with me.  So I go to the goodwill and after they get to big for me I donate them back for someone else to enjoy. My BMI was 59% it is now 29%.  I was 384 pounds, I am now 180 pounds. I was in a size 32, am now in a size 10.  My shoe size even went from a size 11 to a size 10. My cholestrol is healthy along with all the other blood work they did.  I have people coming up to me asking if I am new as they did not see me before at work and when I tell them who I am they tell me I do not look like the same person (that was the idea LOL!!) and that I look so healthy and beautiful.  That is what makes the people who do not like me jealous with all the positive attention I am getting and I am loving every moment of it.

Take Care,

