Getting closer to surgery date! WooHoo!

Jan 07, 2010

Well a few things have happened since I last posted.  I made it through the holidays and gained 4 lbs.  I have recently started working out and started my presurgery diet.  It is hard to stay motivated when it is so dog gone cold!

During the Christmas Holidays I started having pain in the middle of my back.  It felt like the acid in my stomach was boiling through my throat.  I bet I was eating 10 tums at a time and drinking pepto too!  Finally I made an appointment to see Dr. Touliatos who is doing my RNY. He listened to all the symptoms I was having (which some we will just keep to myself...eww!) and ordered a sonogram of my abdomen then 48 hours later I get the call.  I have gallstones...which is not surprising as my mom and sister already had these issues. Not sure if that kind of thing is hereditary or not. 

So I am now scheduled to have my RNY first they will let my family know that I am ok. Then continue on with my gallbladder and hernia repair all in one day.

I am actually the first one on the books that morning and will have to be at the hospital at 5am. 

I have just realized I am about a month away...I am nervous, anxious, scared at times and so ready to get the show on the road.  It is amazing that you can have so many feeling about one issue that will change your life forever. Who would think that the one thing you have been preparing yourself for to already be here and you are like Oh Crap!

I know that God will take care of me and that should be all that matters ...but  I am human! 


About Me
Pell City, AL
Surgery Date
Sep 27, 2009
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